Translation of the song Hielo artist Daddy Yankee
Te han contado mil cosas de mi
They've told you a thousand things about me
No se equivocaron, te hablaron claro
They weren't wrong, they gave it to you straight
Pero si quieres ganar mi corazón
But if you want to win over my heart
Tiene algo malo, te hablaré claro
It's got some bad stuff in it, I'll tell you straight
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Dijeron que en cuartel
They said that at headquarters
tienen una foto con mi nombre
There's a photo with my name
Porque desapareció un buen hombre
Because a good man disappeared
Aquel pasado yo lo maté
I already killed off that past
Las gatas no caben en la piscina
The babes don't fit in the pool
Parece la NASA mi marquesina
NASA seems to be my cover
Alquilo el amor sin dar propina
I rent love without paying a tip
Cambié por el poder de una vagina
I changed from the power of a vagina
Yo no soy para ti tú no eres para mi no cabes en mi king
I'm not for you, you're not for me, you don't fit in my king
En el juego de damas cuando una me llama la hago mi queen (Coroné!)
In the game of checkers1, when one calls on me, i make her my queen (Crowned!)
De todo lo vivido ya aprendí
I've learned from everything I've lived
La realidad es que en el mundo vivimo así
The reality is that this is how we live in the world
Quieren al malo
They want the bad
Odian al bueno
Hate the good
Deje de ser un remedio ahora soy veneno
I stopped being a cure, now I'm a posion
Quieren al malo
They want the bad
Odian al bueno
Hate the good
Tengo los sentimientos bajo cero
I keep my feelings sub-zero
Te han contado mil cosas de mi
They've told you a thousand things about me
No se equivocaron, te hablaron claro
They weren't wrong, they gave it to you straight
Pero si quieres ganar mi corazón
But if you want to win over my heart
Tiene algo malo, te hablaré claro
It's got some bad stuff in it, I'll tell you straight
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
No creo en caritas pretty
I don't trust pretty faces
Crudo como New York City
Raw like New York City
Las tratas primera clase y cogen viaje como spirit
You treat them like first class and they grab a flight like Spirit2
Lo que no te mata te hace mas frío y mas cruel
What doesn't kill makes you colder and crueler
Préstame tu corazón pa’ congelarlo en el motel eh!
Lend me your heart so that I can freeze it in the motel, eh
Mi cansé de regalar mi confianza
I'm tired of gifting my trust
De tantas puñaladas me quedao’ sin espalda
Taking so many stabs has left me without a back
Quien me haga algo le dejo las cuentas saldas
For anyone who does something for me, I'll leave the accounts settled
Jalé to’ el peso de la venganza a mi balanza porque
I pulled the entire load of revenge into my balance3 because
Quieren al malo
They want the bad
Odian al bueno
Hate the good
Deje de ser un remedio ahora soy veneno
I stopped being a cure, now I'm a posion
Quieren al malo
They want the bad
Odian al bueno
Hate the good
Tengo los sentimientos bajo cero
I keep my feelings sub-zero
Te han contado mil cosas de mi
They've told you a thousand things about me
No se equivocaron, te hablaron claro
They weren't wrong, they gave it to you straight
Pero si quieres ganar mi corazón
But if you want to win over my heart
Tiene algo malo, te hablaré claro
It's got some bad stuff in it, I'll tell you straight
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice
Yo soy hielo, hielo, hielo
I am ice, ice, ice