Translation of the song latigazo artist Daddy Yankee



English translation



Ground her!

Dale un latigazo!

Give her one lash!

Ella se está buscando el fuetazo!

She is looking for a whip!


Ground her!

Dale un latigazo!

Give her one lash!

En la pista te voy a dar

On the track I'll give you

Yo pal' de azotazos y palmetazos!

couple of whips and slappings!


Ground her!

Dale un latigazo!

Give her one lash!

Y coge un latigazo...

She is looking for a whip!

Ella se está buscando el fuetazo!

And get a lash..


She is looking for a whip!

Dale un latigazo!

Ground her!

En la pista te voy a dar

Give her one lash!

Yo pal' de azotazos y palmetazos!

On the track I'll give you


couple of whips and slappings!

Coge un latigazo!

(Rub on her!)

No calientes la comida

Don't warm the food

Si no te la vas a comer

if you won't eat it.

Ya tu no eres una nena

You're not a girl anymore,

Ma', ya tu eres una mujer

baby, you're already a woman.

Sabes que si me activas

You know that if you activate me

Tu te tienes que ir a to'as

you'll have to go to everything.

Toma, toma, toma

Take it, take it, take it

Dale, mami, vamo'a to'as

Come on, baby, let's go to everything.

Arriba las botellas de

Put up the bottels of

Don Peri' y de Mojer'

Don Peri' and Mojer'

Mujeres to' esos gistros

All those thongs, women

Que los pongan a mover

start to move them.

Tu quieres que yo te lo quite

You want me to take it off

No pichees pa' loca

Don't pitch? for crazy.

Toma, toma, toma

Take it, take it, take it

Dale mami vamo'a to'as

Come on, baby, let's go to everything.

Un tatuaje en la espalda

A tattoo on the back

En cuatro te lo quiero ver

In four I wanna see it.

Y esa pantalla en la lengua

And that fireguard on the tongue,

Tu sabes usarla bien?

do you know to usee it good?

Mi socio Elbi quiere

My partner Elbi wants

Que le des un besito ahora

you to give him a kiss now.

Toma, toma, toma

Take it, take it, take it.

Dale, mami, vamo'a to'as

Come on, baby, let's go to everything.

La tiro a la cama

I throw her on the bed,

La chica me grita

The girl yells,

La chica me pide

The girl asks me

Dame un latigazo!

Give me one lash!

Ella se está buscando el fuetazo!

She is looking for a whip!


Ground her!

Dale un latigazo!

Give her one lash!

En la pista te voy a dar

On the track I'll give you

Yo pal' de azotazos y palmetazos!

couple of whips and slappings!


Ground her!

Dale un latigazo!

Give her one lash!

Y coge un latigazo...

She is looking for a whip!

Ella se está buscando el fuetazo!

And get a lash..


She is looking for a whip!

Dale un latigazo!

Ground her!

En la pista te voy a dar

Give her one lash!

Yo pal' de azotazos y palmetazos!

On the track I'll give you


couple of whips and slappings!

Coge un latigazo!

(Rub on her!)



Y to' ese gistro que

and all that thong that

Se marca en tu pantalón

is marked on your pants,

Te brilla afuego

shines really good.

En la disco con el neón

In disco with the neon

Hay muchos buitres

are a lot of vultures,

Mirándote bien comelón

looking you as eatable.

Te tienen gardiá

They have a guard

A lo Kobe con el balón

In the Kobe with one balloon.

Primero la tiro a la cama

First, I throw her on the bed,

Después se la como

then I eat her,

A la chica me pide un latigazo

the girl asks me for one lash.

Ella se está buscando el fuetazo!

She is looking for a whip!


Ground her!

Dale un latigazo!

Give her one lash!

En la pista te voy a dar

On the track I'll give you

Yo pal' de azotazos y palmetazos!

couple of whips and slappings!


Ground her!

Coge un latigazo! Y dale un latigazo...

Get a lash! And give her one lash..

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