Translation of the song Me quedaria artist Daddy Yankee


Me quedaria

English translation

I would stay

Ladies & gentlemen!

Ladies & gentlemen!

Welcoming to the stage!

Welcoming to the stage!

It's a great pleasure to present to you!

It's a great pleasure to present to you!

From San Juan, Puerto Rico...

From San Juan, Puerto Rico...







Hoy quizás comience a vivir...

I may start living today

O me toca morir...

or it may be my turn to die

Aquí nací, aquí me crié

I was born here, I was raised here

Aquí viví pero no moriré

I lived here but I won't die here

Tengo que buscar un mejor futuro

I gotta search for a better future

Aunque el camino sea duro, man

even if the road may be hard, man

Es que del cielo no me cae un peso

as not a single peso (currency) falls from the sky

Trabajo todo el día sin ver el progreso

I work all day but see no progress

Ya me cansé de este maldito gobierno

I'm tired of this damned government

No podemos buscar los santos en el infierno

we can't look for saints in hell

La misión es cruzar la frontera, corre como atleta

the mission is to cross the border, run like an athlete

Que allí nos espera una lluvia de balacera

as a rain of bullets is awaiting us there

La orden viene de Washington...

the order comes from Washington

La oposición que no les importa quién muera

the opposition, which doesn't care who may die

El sol me quita la fuerza, pero tengo un alma guerrera

the sun takes my strength away, but I've got the soul of a warrior

Si las cosas fueran diferentes en mi país

if things were different in my country 

De corazón yo...

from the bottom of my heart I...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Yo vivo orgulloso de la tierra en que nací

I am proud of the land where I was born

De la cultura, de mi país...

of my culture, of my country

'toy hecho con raíces sinceras...

I'm made of sincere roots

No te equivoques, yo vivo por mi bandera

don't get me wrong, I live for my flag

Pero no aguanto el abuso del gran tirano

but I can't bear the abuse of the big tyrant

Es un demonio disfraza'o en cuerpo de humano

it's a demon disguised in a human body

El pensamiento no es libre...

the thoughts are not free

Pa' buscarnos el pan hacemos hasta lo imposible

to earn our bread we do all we can

Como mi gente en Quisqueya...

like my ppl in Quisqueya

Nos fuimos en balsa, no se pongan flojos

we left in a raft, don't get slack

Que en el Caribe se encuentra el mar rojo

as the Red Sea is in the Caribbean

Cae la sangre, Señor, por galones

the blood is flowing, oh Lord, by the gallon

Me comen o me como vivo a los tiburones

the sharks will eat me or I'll eat them alive

El hambre y la sed me hicieron sus victimas

thirst and hunger made me their victim

Pero no dejaré que me atrape Marítima

but I won't let the marines catch me

Si las cosas fueran diferentes en mi país

if things were different in my country 

De corazón yo...

from the bottom of my heart I...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Bienvenidos a la tierra prometida

Welcome to the promised land

Donde millones caminan muertos en vida

where millions walk while dead in life

Un país lleno de oportunidades

a country full of chances

De racismo y desigualdades

of racism and inequalities

Es que por ser latino...

I know well that Uncle Sam doesn't want me as a nephew

'toy claro que el Tío Sam no me quiere de sobrino

coz I'm a latino

Pero quiere mi mano de obra...

but he wants my labour

Vivo en persecución, vivo la explotación

I am persecuted, exploited

Salir a trabajar aquí es como ir a una misión

to go out to work here is like going on a mission

Trabajo con presión, pensando en la prisión

I work under pressure, thinking of prison

Con miedo a que me lleve una gente de Inmigración

fearing I may be taken away by an immigration officer

Mi familia y amigos 'tan a mi alcance

my family and friends are nearby

Pero corren peligro de ir a la cárcel

but they are at risk of going to jail

Somos tarjeta de tiro al blanco

we're a shooting target

La amenaza del hombre blanco

a threat to the white man

Porque seguimos en crecimiento

as we keep increasing (in numbers)

La lucha no para, ¿me escuchaste bien?

the struggle can't stop, did you listen it well?

La lucha no para, pongo mi mente a correr

the struggle can't stop, I set my mind running

Superando toda trampa ideológica

to overcome all ideological traps

Que impone este circuito de poder

imposed by the power circles

Sus leyes ciegas, sordas y mudas

their laws which are blind, deaf and mute

Hijos de Pilatos y Judas...

children of (Pontius) Pilate and Judas

Si las cosas fueran diferentes en mi país

if things were different in my country

De corazón yo...

from the bottom of my heart I...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me queda', me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

Me quedaría...

.. would st, would stay...

No cabe duda!

There's no doubt 

Que hay una discriminación!

there's discrimination

Contra los inmigrantes aquí en este país!

against immigrants in this country

Pero, ¿y los inmigrantes que llegan a nuestros países?

but what about the ppl who migrate to our countries?

¿Cómo los tratamos?

how do we treat them?

¿Estamos unidos o estamos divididos?

are we united or divided?

Hazte la pregunta!

ask yourself that question

Todo es una cadena!

it's all a chain!

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