Translation of the song Mírame artist Daddy Yankee
Look at me
Enire Eni
Enire Eni
Keakeye Pageni
Keakeye Pageni
EzaBeza Kuchekiu
EzaBeza Kuchekiu
JotaJese Jeni
JotaJese Jeni
Ke tinia Keni
Ke tinia Keni
Mírame, Mírame
Look at me, Look at me
Ojos brujos mátame
Kill me with your enchanting eyes
Que quiero sentirte
'cuz I want to feel you
Ya llegó tu Ganster
your gangster has now arrived
Me siento tan solo
I feel so alone
Quiero devorarte
I want to devour you
La noche esta oscura
The nighttime is dark
Ojos brujos hechízame
Cast a spell on me with your enchanting eyes
Que me suelte el pe
I hope she let's down her hair for me
Ella con esa falda que linda se ve
With her little skirt she looks so damn pretty
La disco está repleta y la gata me la gané
The disco is packed but I'm the one that won her over
Tre', pues trepé, como chimpancé
Climb - well I climbed up, like a chimpanzee
Y yo soy su tipo, anticipo
And I'm her man, I anticipate
Que bailando le va a dar hipo
that dancing will take her breath away
Que es cuestión de vacilar y yo participo
Its just a question of swaying back and forth and I'll participate
Cheerleader está roncando con el dueño del equipo
The cheerleader engaging with the owner of the team
La noche es oscura
The nighttime is dark
Vengo con brujos que yo quiero devorarte
I come with my magic 'cuz I wanna devour you
La noche es oscura
The nighttime is dark
Vengo con brujos que yo quiero devorarte
I come with my magic 'cuz I wanna devour you
Ven me siento solo, no tengas miedo
Come over, I feel alone, don't be afraid
Sabes que llegó tu Ganster
You already know that your gangster has now arrived
Ven me siento solo, no tengas miedo
Come over, I feel alone, don't be afraid
Sabes que llegó tu Ganster
You already know that your gangster has now arrived.
Mírame, mírame
Look at me, Look at me
Lo que tu me haces sentir
What you make me feel,
Mi deseo es solo tu
My only desire is you
Ya no puedo ni dormir
I can't even sleep anymore
Me siento tan sola
I feel so alone
Yo te necesito
I need you
Mírame ven por favor y dame otro poquito
Look at me, come over here and please give me just a little bit more
Mírame, mírame
Look at me, Look at me
Ojos brujos mátame
Kill me with your enchanting eyes
Que quiero sentirte
'cuz I want to feel you
Ya llegó tu Ganster
your gangster has now arrived
Me siento tan solo
I feel so alone
Quiero devorarte
I want to devour you
La noche está oscura
The nighttime is dark
Ojos brujo hechízame
Cast a spell on me with your enchanting eyes
Yo soy un callejero
I'm a hoodlum,
Pero todo un caballero
But at the same time a total gentleman
Loco por romper el hielo, apagar el fuego
Crazy enough to break ice, put out fire
Desagarte' en celos
Drain your jealousy
Tres, two, oneEso es el reggaeton en el que sigue brillando bien duro, mere
Three, two, one, Thats the reggaeton that continues to shine
Soy el pasado, presente y futuro
I'm the past, present, and the future
Ronca, ronca y te patié el gallo-boro
- I'm not sure how to translate this line -
Los números hablan por si solos
Numbers talk for themselves
Dueño de la sandunga desde la infancia
Been king of the disco since childhood
Con Luny Tunes, lo paseo con elegancia
With Looney Tunes, I ride with elegance
Yo sé que duele
I know that it hurts
Pero voy a gastar mis cheles con la nena de otro
But I'ma spill my drinks with somebody else's girl
¡Arranca y dele!
Take it off and get it!
Mírame, mírame
Look at me, Look at me
Ojos brujos mátame
Kill me with your enchanting eyes
Que quiero sentirte
'cuz I want to feel you
Ya llegó tu Ganster
your gangster has now arrived
Me siento tan solo
I feel so alone
Quiero devorarte
I want to devour you
La noche está oscura
The nighttime is dark
Ojos brujo hechízame
Cast a spell on me with your enchanting eyes
Luny Tunes
Looney Tunes
W el superviviente
W the survivor
Daddy Yankee
Daddy Yankee
El rey Don Omar
The king Don Omar
El rey
The king