Translation of the song Si supieras artist Daddy Yankee


Si supieras

English translation

If you knew

(Si supieras que sueño contigo)

(If you knew that I dream about you)





(Pina Records)

(Pina Records)





Si supieras que me gustas tanto

If you knew that I like you so much

Que me tiemblan las manos cuando la tengo cerca

That my hands tremble when I have her near

(No sé ni como decírtelo)

(I don't even know how to tell you)

Que no me basta con ser su amigo

That it's not enough for me to be her friend

Y para mí es un castigo ver que no se de cuenta

And for me it's a punishment to see that she doesn't realize

Se supone que ésto no pasara (W, Yandel)

It's assumed that this won't happen (W, Yandel)

Pero llegan las ganas y dime a quien las frena

But the desires come, and tell me who stops them

Se supone que no respondieras

It's assumed that you wouldn't respond

Se parece al deseo tocándome a la puerta

It looks like desire, knocking on my door



Pero el color de sus ojos, su pelo, su cara

But the color of her eyes, her hair, her face

Esa mujer lo tiene todo

That woman has everything

Como no desearla

How not to want her

Es que el color de sus ojos, su pelo, su cara

It's the color of her eyes, her hair, her face

Esa mujer lo tiene todo

That woman has everything

Como no desearla

How not to want her



Daddy Yankee:

Daddy Yankee:

No sabes cómo te pienso, pienso, pienso

You don't know how I think of you, think, think

Esto es algo tan intenso, trato de esconder todos mis deseos

This is something so intense, I try to hide all my desires

Cuando te veo

When I see you

Eres mi primer pensamiento del día

You are my first thought of the day

A mi ritmo cardíaco le encontré melodía

I found melody to my heart rate

Te diré mi secreto, cambiaré el libreto

I will tell you my secret, I will change the script

Porque te quiero amar a tiempo completo

Because I want to love you full time

Loco-loco enamorado de ti

Crazy-crazy in love with you

Sueño con el día que me pueda decir

I dream about the day you can tell me

Que me quieres o me amas

That you want me or you love me

Hice todo para olvidarme de ti

I did everything to forget about you

Pelee con mi mente y no lo conseguí

I fought with my mind and I didn't succeed

Y algo tienes que me llama

And you have something that calls me



El color de sus ojos, su pelo, su cara

But the color of her eyes, her hair, her face

Esa mujer lo tiene todo

That woman has everything

Como no desearla

How not to want her

Es que el color de sus ojos, su pelo, su cara

It's the color of her eyes, her hair, her face

Esa mujer lo tiene todo

That woman has everything

Como no desearla

How not to want her





Ya no puedo disimular

I can't hide anymore

Yo sé que entre tú y yo

I know that between you and me

Puede pasar algo especial

Can happen something special

Baby déjate llevar

Baby, let yourself go



Erizame los pelos

Bristle my hairs

Está de caramelo

It's candy

El tiburón esperando que muerdas el anzuelo

The shark waiting for you to take the hook

Piensa que yo soy tuyo y tú eres mía

Think that I am yours and you are mine

Llegó el tigre W a cumplir tus fantasías

The tiger W came to fulfill your fantasies

Te sueño y te imagino en mi cama

I dream you and I imagine you in my bed

No quiero más drama

I don't want more drama

Tú sabes que tu cuerpo me llama

You know that your body calls me

Aclara conmigo, yo no quiero ser más tu amigo

Clarify with me, I don't want to be more your friend

Siéntate tranquila y escucha lo que te digo

Sit quiet and listen what I say to you



Si supieras que me gustas tanto

If you knew that I like you so much

Que me tiemblan las manos cuando la tengo cerca

That my hands tremble when I have her near

Que no me basta con ser su amigo

That it's not enough for me to be her friend

Y para mi es un castigo que no se de cuenta

And for me it's a punishment to see that she doesn't realize

Daddy Yankee:

Daddy Yankee:

Se supone que ésto no pasara

It's assumed that this won't happen

Pero llegan las ganas y dime a quien las frena

But the desires come, and tell me who stops them

Se supone que no respondieras

It's assumed that you wouldn't respond

Se parece al deseo tocándome a la puerta

It looks like desire, knocking on my door



Pero el color de sus ojos, su pelo, su cara

But the color of her eyes, her hair, her face

Esa mujer lo tiene todo

That woman has everything

Como no desearla

How not to want her

Es que el color de sus ojos, su pelo, su cara

It's the color of her eyes, her hair, her face

Esa mujer lo tiene todo

That woman has everything

Como no desearla

How not to want her

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