Translation of the song No ho diguis a ningú artist Esquirols
No ho diguis a ningú
Don’t Tell Anyone
- Jo he vist el rei tot nu.
- I’ve seen the king all naked.
No puc parlar-ne,
I can’t talk about it,
però he vist el rei, segur!
But I’ve seen the king for sure!
- Has vist el rei tot nu?
- You’ve seen the king all naked?
- I m'ha semblat robust,
- And he’s looked robust to me.
és un home com jo,
He’s a man like me,
és un home com tu.
He’s a man like you.
- Pssst! No ho diguis a ningú!
- Pssst! Don’t tell anyone!
- Jo he vist com menja el rei.
- I’ve seen the king eating.
No puc parlar-ne,
I can’t talk about it,
però ben cert que era ell.
But I’m certain it was him.
- Has vist el rei menjant?
- You’ve seen the king eating?
- I m'ha semblat comú,
- And he’s looked common to me,
puix menjava amb les mans
As he was eating with his hands,
com hi mengem jo i tu.
Just like we eat, you and I.
- Pssst! No ho diguis a ningú!
- Pssst! Don’t tell anyone!
- Jo he vist el rei dansar.
- I’ve seen the king dancing.
No puc parlar-ne,
I can’t talk about it,
m'obliguen a callar.
I’ve been obliged to keep quiet.
- Has vist el rei dansant?
- You’ve seen the king dancing?
- I m'ha semblat obtús,
- And he’s looked dull to me.
se sol entrebancar
He tends to stumble
com t'entrebanques tu.
Just like you do.
- Pssst! No ho diguis a ningú!
- Pssst! Don’t tell anyone!
- Jo he vist com canta el rei.
- I’ve seen the king singing.
No puc parlar-ne,
I can’t talk about it:
pot anar-m'hi la pell.
It could put me in danger.
- Has vist el rei cantant?
- You’ve seen the king singing?
- I m'ha semblat babau,
- And he’s looked a simpleton to me,
puix canta, perdoneu,
As he sings, pardon me,
amb molta mala veu
With a very bad voice.
- Pssst! A ningú no ho digueu!
- Pssst! Don’t you tell it to anyone!
Hem vist com seu el rei.
We’ve seen the king sitting.
No cal parlar-ne,
We don’t need to talk about it,
puix tots seiem com ell.
As we all sit like he does.
Hem vist el rei com seu
We’ve seen the king sitting
i ens ha semblat banal:
And it has looked banal to us:
sobre el seu cul s'asseu
He sits down on his ass
i és com tothom, cregueu.
And he’s like everyone else, believe me.
- Pssst! A ningú no ho digueu!
- Pssst! Don’t you tell it to anyone!