Translation of the song Bo bo bom artist Ničim izazvan


Bo bo bom

English translation

Bo bo bom

I niko nije kriv, al’ je neko zaje...

And it's nobody's falut, but somebody fu...

Nikad nije bilo pitanje

It was never a question

da li te želim ili ne

Whether I want you or not

da vrat ti mirišem u svitanje

To smell your neck in the sunrise

i snivam s tobom razne sne

And dream all kinds of dreams with you

U tvojoj glavi osobe

The persons in your head

srušile su mostove

Broke down the bridges

more su htele da posole

They wanted to salt the sea

živog čoveka da ožive

To make a living man come alive

Ti si luda, a ja lud sam za tobom

You are crazy, and I'm crazy about you

i nema čuda da nas drži zajedno

And there is no miracle that can keep us together

i niko nije kriv, al’ je neko zaje...

And it's nobody's fault, but somebody fu...



Ti nisi prva, a ni poslednja

You're not the first, nor the last

kako bih možda voleo

Even though I might love that

svojim principima si dosledna

You are consistent to your principles

to nas je, bejbe, zgazilo

That's what ruined us, baby

U ljubavi, ljubavi, nema zakona

In love, my love, there are no laws

tvoja su glupa pravila našu razbila

Your stupid rules have broken ours

bio sam otvorena knjiga

I was an open book

a ti si stigla samo do korica

And you got only to the covers

nije te bilo briga

You didn't care

kako se priča završava

How the story ends

Ti si luda, a ja lud sam za tobom

You are crazy, and I'm crazy about you

i nema čuda da nas drži zajedno

And there is no miracle that can keep us together

i niko nije kriv, al’ je neko zaje...

And it's nobody's fault, but somebody fu...



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