Translation of the song Nečim izazvan artist Ničim izazvan
Nečim izazvan
With something challenged
Prošao je dan.
The day it is passed..
Ne. Još nije prošao dan.
No. It`s not passed yet .
Svašta prošlo je.
Anything passed.
Vek. Minut, dva.
Century. A minute or two.
Sekund, večnost, raskršća pogrešna.
Seconds eternity crossroads wrong.
Al` nije prošao dan.
But the day it´s not passed.
Kod jednog broja farovi umiru…
At one number, headlights died...
a ti nekim čudom baš stanuješ tu.
and somehow, you live there.
Odnekud me vučeš...
You Dragging me somewhere ...
iznutra? Iz van?
Inside? Outside?
Čim pošao sam, evo
As soon as I went,
nečim izazvan
something caused by.
Kucao sam. Ne znam.
I knocked. I don´t know.
Al došao sam, evo,
But I came,
nečim izazvan.
with something challenged.
Skupila si sve
You gathered all
Moje stvari, tragove
My stuff, clues
na vrh gomile žute stikere
on top of the pile of yellow stickers
jer lažu te poruke
because these messages are lying
al još uvek lepe se
but they still stick
za tebe (kad prospu se)
for you (when they spill)
za gola leđa za tvoje laktove
Four your naked back, for your elbows
dok ja im još jednom verujem sve.
while I believe to them one more time.
Odnekud me vučeš...
Dragging me somewhere ...
iznutra? Iz van?
Inside? Outside?
Čim pošao sam, evo
As soon as I went,
nečim izazvan
something caused by.
Kucao sam. Ne znam.
I knocked. I don´t know.
Al došao sam, evo,
But I came,
nečim izazvan.
with something challenged.