Translation of the song Odlaziš? artist Ničim izazvan
Are you leaving
Da li odlazis
Are you leaving
a jos si uvek tu
But you're still here
do pre par dodira to nisi bila
Until a few touches ago you weren't that
Bolovi sto smo ih delili
Suffering that we shared
sada su samo tvoji
Now is just yours
a snovi
And dreams
sta cu sada s njima
What should I do with them now
Ko ce mi pomoci sada
Who will help me now
da struzem blato sa cipela sreci
To scrape the mud from the shoes of happiness
umornoj od puta do nas
That is tired of the road to us
Niko nije umeo bolje da spakuje kofere strepnji
No one could pack better suitcases of worry
i da je potapse po ramenu za zbogom
And pat it on the shoulder goodbye
O kako sam samo bio lud da pomislim
Oh how crazy I have been to think
da vise neces biti tu
That you will no longer be here
gde li sam u tvome pogledu video
Where in your look have I seen
da smo se prosuli po tlu
That we are shattered on the floor
k'o da smo od stakla
As we were made of glass
Sve sto trazim ti je mrva oprosta
All that I am asking for is a crumb of forgiveness
ja cu kamenovati svaku svoju misao
I will stone my every thought
sto nije bila na nasoj strani
That was not on our side
ti nas brani svojim ocima
You defend us with your eyes
O kako sam samo bio lud da pomislim
Oh how crazy I have been to think
da vise neces biti tu
That you will no longer be here
gde li sam u tvome pogledu video
Where in your look have I seen
da poslo je po zlu
That it went wrong