Translation of the song Tužne devojke artist Ničim izazvan
Tužne devojke
Sad Girls
Nije ti jasno
You don't understand
zašto baš tebe
why I'm grasping
hvatam za ruku
your hand
i vrtim te
and spinning you
u ovaj tango od reči
in this tango of words
te uvlačim
I'm pulling you in
ti buniš se
you protest
i skrećeš pogled k'o da je kasno
and take your glance away as if you understand
a već si dovoljno blizu
but you're already close enough
da tajnu otkrijem
to unravel the secret
zašto se tužne najlepše ljube
why do the most saddest kiss the best
Brazde od smeha na obrazu mirnom
A crease on your cheek from your smile
da kriješ ne umeš
you can't hide that
bile su žive nekada davno
they used to be alive, sometime long ago
a sad se dodira plaše
but now they're scared to be touched
to samo ruka željna je
only my hand yearns
tužne usne da dodirne
to touch those lips
jer one se
because they
ljube najlepše
kiss the prettiest
Govoriću tiho misli glasne
I will say the quiet words louder
da možeš da čuješ
so that you can hear
neće biti ti toliko strašne
it won't be too bad
jer se i ja teško smejem
because I have a hard time smiling too
obgrli me poput mašne
embrace me like a bow
i biće ti bolje
and it will be better
i znaj da ne želim samo
and now that I don't
da ljubim te
just want to kiss you
jer se tužne devojke ljube najlepše
because the saddest girls kiss the best