Translation of the song Sevgili artist Mesut Kurtis
O güzellik, o nezaket, o letafet, o asalet
That beauty, that grace, that charm, that nobleness
Bahşedilmis sana bunca,iyi haslet
This many good traits are endowed to you
Sana aşık, sana hayran, sana feda nice can
In love with you, admirer to you, many lives are sacrifice for you
Varlığınla hayat buldu,bütün cihan
All universe aroused with your entity
Uğruna yaratıldı, donatıldı kainat
Universe/Nature is created, rigged with, for the sake of you
Zulmet nura döndü,yanan ateş söndü
Darkness became the light, burning fire died
O ne gündü.
What a day it was
Senle ümit varız her yerde
Hope is with you, we're in everywhere
Huzur olur her yerde
Peace exists everywhere
Çare sensin her derde
Remedy is you for every trouble
İnsanlik sana muhtac
Humanity is in need of you
Ne şereftir, ne saadet, ne sururdur o ne rahmet
What a honor, what a felicity, what a joy, what a mercy it is
Ümmetin olmak bizlere büyük nimet
It's a big blessing to be your moslems/community
Sana salat, sana selam, sana her türlü ihtiram
Salaat for you, salaam/greeting for you, all manner of veneration for you
Sana layık ümmet olmak asıl meram
Actual goal is being a worthy moslem/community for you