Translation of the song دندن معى artist Humood AlKhudher
دندن معى
Drone With Me
ومن يدري بما هو آت
And who knows what's coming,
فلا تحزن على ما فات
So don't moron for what's gone,
وإن ضاقت بك الدنيا
And if life has choked you on,
فدندِن هذه الكلمات
Drone these words,
ألم نتجاوز العثرات (بلى.. بلى)
Haven't we overpassed the failings (we have.. we have)
وعادت للحياة حياة
And life has come back to its normal.
تذكّر ليست الدنيا (لا لا)
Remember that life, ( la la)
وإن طالت سوى لحظات
even if it lasted so long, is nothing but moments
لذا لذا دندِن معي الكلمات
So, drone with me these words,
تفاءَل خير تلاقي خير
Optimize about good,and you shall find good,
وما تدري لعله خير لعله خير
And you don't know, it might be goodness, it might be goodness
تفاءَل خير تلاقي خير
Optimize about good, and you shall find good
وما تدري لعله خير لعله خير
And you don't know, it might be goodness, it might be goodness
فلا تحزَن على ما فات
So don't moron for what has gone.
لكُلّ العالَمين هموم
Both worlds have their own troubles,
فلستَ وحدكَ يا مهموم
For you're not alone, oh you Careworn
ولكِنّا نُهَوِّنُها
But we ease it on ourselves,
فحالُ المرءِ ليس يدوم
For man's situation never stays the same,
لا لا لا يدوم
No, no, no it never stays the same
تُنضّجُ فِكرَنا العِبرات
Lessons enrich our thinking,
بلى بلى
they do... they do
تُصحّينا من الغفلات
(Lessons) awaken us from the inattention,
تُعلِّمنا تقوينا بلى بلى بلى
Teach us, make us stronger,
لنمضي بعدها بثبات
To move one steady after it,
لذا دندِن معي الكلمات
so drone with me these words
تفاءَل خير تلاقي خير
Optimize about good,and you shall find good,
وما تدري لعله خير لعله خير
And you don't know, it might be goodness, it might be goodness
تفاءَل خير تلاقي خير
Optimize about good, and you shall find good
وما تدري لعله خير لعله خير
And you don't know, it might be goodness, it might be goodness
فلا تحزَن على ما فات
So don't moron for what has gone.
دع الأيام وافعل ما تشاءُ
Let go of days and do what you wish
وطِبْ نفساً ولو حَلّ ابتلاءُ
And heal a self even if afflictions occurred
فضبطُ النفس يُجلي عنك هماً
For controlling oneself always ditches away troubles
يهُونُ الداءُ إذ حَضر الدواءُ
Eases the ailment if the treatment presents
بحُسن الظنّ تَقوَى فيك روحٌ
With good intentions, a soul gets stronger in you
وليس سوى القويِّ له البقاءُ
For survival is for none, but the fittest
تفاءَل خير تلاقي خير
Optimize about good,and you shall find good,
وما تدري لعله خير لعله خير
And you don't know, it might be goodness, it might be goodness
تفاءَل خير تلاقي خير
Optimize about good, and you shall find good
وما تدري لعله خير لعله خير
And you don't know, it might be goodness, it might be goodness
فلا تحزَن على ما فات
So don't moron for what has gone.