Translation of the song 1 Chance artist wanima


1 Chance

English translation

1 chance

気になるあの子欲張りなBitchで目が離せんAll Day All Night

That girl I care about I can't take my eyes off a greedy bitch All Day All Night

老若男女 金の成る方へ No Money No Future

Young and old No Money No Future to those who make money

拗らすよりも じらしたい今夜 ただのスケベ Oh My God

I want to shake rather than sulk tonight Just lewd Oh My God

夜が明ける 日の光浴びる 気にせん No Music No Life

The light of the day when the night dawns I feel like I'm bathed in No Music No Life

気になるあの子欲張りなBitchで目が離せんAll Day All Night

That girl I care about I can't take my eyes off a greedy bitch All Day All Night

老若男女 金の成る方へ No Money No Future

Young and old No Money No Future to those who make money

大人、女、男子 ぶっ飛んであげていこう

Adults, women, boys Let's fly

外見内面関係ない問題外 Bring it on!!

Bring it on!!


Adults, women, boys Let's fly

泣くも笑うもお好きに No body knows!!

Cry, laugh, whatever you want No body knows!!

気になるあの子欲張りなBitchで目が離せんAll Day All Night

That girl I care about I can't take my eyes off a greedy bitch All Day All Night

残高0になるまで 気にせんNo Music No Life

I don't care until I get to balance 0 No Music No Life

大人、女、男子 ぶっ飛んであげていこう

Adults, women, boys Let's fly

外見内面関係ない問題外 Bring it on!!

Bring it on!!

大人、女、男子 ぶっ飛んであげていこう

Adults, women, boys Let's fly


out of the ordinary!!complain!!

1CHANCE 狙う day by day!! 迷いなら捨てて 後腐れ無しで!!

1CHANCE Aim day by day!! if you get lost, throw it away and don't rot!!

順番待ちの主役は君!! かませ 名ばかりの嘘の塊の…

you are the main character waiting for your turn!! of a bunch of nameless lies.…


more lyrics


the titular...Of the masses of lies...a bunch of titular lies!!

気になるあの子欲張りなBitchで目が離せんAll Day All Night

That girl I care about I can't take my eyes off a greedy bitch All Day All Night

残高0になるまで 気にせんNo Music No Life

I don't care until I get to balance 0 No Music No Life

大人、女、男子 ぶっ飛んであげていこう

Adults, women, boys Let's fly

外見内面関係ない問題外 Bring it on!!

Bring it on!!

大人、女、男子 ぶっ飛んであげていこう

Adults, women, boys Let's fly


out of the ordinary!!complain!!

1CHANCE 狙う day by day!! 迷いなら捨てて 後腐れ無しで!!

1CHANCE Aim day by day!! if you get lost, throw it away and don't rot!!

順番待ちの主役は君!! かませ 名ばかりの嘘の塊の…

you are the main character waiting for your turn!! of a bunch of nameless lies.…

気になるあの子欲張りなBitchで もう居ない Oh My God!!

That girl I care about is no longer a greedy bitch Oh My God!!

So Good 糞Bitch So Bad 糞Bitch 記憶が無い Oh My God!!

So good shit bitch So Bad shit bitch I have no memory Oh My God!!

Time Time Time かなり酔った 今日は酔った

Time Time Time I was pretty drunk Today I was drunk


i drank enough to take a bath.

千鳥足でも Case by case 本当帰らせて もう仕事なんで

Even if it's staggered, Case by case Let me really go home, it's already work

Time Time Time かなり酔った 今日は酔った

Time Time Time I was pretty drunk Today I was drunk


i drank enough to take a bath.

千鳥足でも Case by case 本当帰らせて 嫁も怒です。

Even if it is staggered foot Case by case Let me really go home and the bride is angry too.

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