Translation of the song Cîntec oltenesc artist Tudor Gheorghe
Cîntec oltenesc
Song of Oltenia
Muică, noi sîntem un neam
Mother, we are a people
Ca frunza lucind pe ram.
Like the bright leaves on branches.
Dacă n-aveam Jiu de soi,
If we hadn't had any Jiu river,
Trăgeam Oltul mai la noi.
We would have pulled Olt river closer to us.
Cerul, cît e de-nflorit,
The sky, as flowery as it is,
De la noi s-a-mpodobit,
Got its garment from us.
Din ștergarul nostru-a luat
He took his striped rainbow
Curcubeul lui vărgat.
From our garment peace of cloth1.
Luna plină, cînd e roată,
The full moon, round as a wheel,
Dupe pîinea-n țăst e luată,
has the shape of bread taken from the stove2,
Iar sprinceana ei măiastră,
While its beautiful eyebrow3
Dupe cobilița noastră.
Has the shape of our shoulder pole4.
Serilor, ca să lucească,
To the nights, for them to be bright,
Le-am dat ia olteneasca,
We gave them our Oltenian blouse,
Cloșca lui cu puii goi
Its5 Hen and (golden) featherless chicken constellation6
Este cloța de la noi.
Is actually the hen from our poultry yard.
Muică, sîntem neam de piatră
Mother, we are a rock-solid people
Cînd e vorba pentru vatră,
When our land is at stake,
Sîntem pui de Brîncoveni,
We are children of Brâncoveanu,
De panduri și de Jieni.
Of Pandurs and of Iancu Jianu.
Dacă n-aveam munți cum sînt,
If we hadn't had mountains like the ones we do,
Îi scoteam și din pămînt,
We would have pulled them out of the earth,
Dunăre dacă n-aveam,
If we hadn't had the Danube,
Jiul Dunăre-l făceam.
We would have turned Jiu river itself into a Danube.