Translation of the song Codrule bătut de ploi artist Tudor Gheorghe
Codrule bătut de ploi
Forests rained upon
Codrule bătut de ploi,
Forests rained upon
Hai să plângem amândoi, măi,
Let's cry together
Ție că-ți pică frunza, o-o-of,
You because your leaves are falling
Mie că-mi trece vremea,
Me because my time is running out
Ție că-ți pică vârful, o-o-of,
You because you're getting older, ooh
Mie că-mi trece gândul.
Me because my mind is fading away.
Felice, codre, de tine,
Forests, lucky you -
Că nu îmbătrânești ca mine,
You're not growing as old as I am
Vine toamna îngălbenești, o-o-of,
In fall you become yellow, ooh
Iarna tot te troienești,
In winter you're snowed in,
Primavara înlăstărești, o-o-of,
In spring you're renewed, ooh
Vara tot mai tânăr ești.
In summer you grow ever younger.
Codrule bătut de ploi,
Forests rained upon,
Hai să plângem amândoi, măi,
Let's cry together
Ție că-ți pica frunza, o-o-of,
You because your leaves are falling
Mie că-mi trece vremea.
Me because my time is running out.