Translation of the song La fereastra cu gutuie artist Tudor Gheorghe


La fereastra cu gutuie

English translation

At the window with a quince

La fereastra cu gutuie,

At the window with a quince,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Amintirea e şi nu e,

The memory is and is not,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Dacă e, de mâini mă prinde,

If it is, it catch my hands,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses

Şi m-aruncă-ntre colinde,

And throws me between carols,

Flori şi trandafiri.

Flowers and roses.

Şi mă ninge, şi mă-ngheaţă,

And it snows me, and it freezes me,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Şi mă-nvăluie-ntr-o ceaţă,

And it enveils me into a fog,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Ca-ntr-un abur de lumină,

Like into a steam of light,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Şi mă uit-aşa-n grădină.

And I’m looking in the garden,

Flori şi trandafiri.

Flowers and roses.

Arde focu-n paie ude,

The fire burns in wet straws,

Nimeni, nimeni nu m-aude,

Nobody, nobody hears me,

Arde focu-n paie ude,

The fire burns in wet straws,

Nimeni, nimeni nu m-aude.

Nobody, nobody hears me.

Ninge ca o deşteptare

It snowing like a reveille (awakening)

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Peste lume cu iertare,

With forgiveness over the world,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Numai peste noi s-abate,

Only over us is coming,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses

Un miros de răutate,

A smell of badness,

Flori şi trandafiri.

Flowers and roses.

O zăpadă ca o zgură,

A snow like a slag,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Ce ne minte şi ne fură,

What lies us and steal from us,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Tot ce e şi tot ce nu e,

Everything it is and all that it is not,

Flori şi trandafiri,

Flowers and roses,

Şi fereastra cu gutuie.

And the window with a quince,

Flori şi trandafiri.

Flowers and roses.

Arde focu-n paie ude,

The fire burns in wet straws,

Nimeni, nimeni nu m-aude…

Nobody, nobody hears me...

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