Translation of the song 用愛將心偷 artist Liza Wang

Chinese (Cantonese)


English translation

Stealing Hearts with Love

情場中 幾多高手 用愛將心去偷

How many masters steal hearts through flirting?

就像你偷得之情 剩我一世憂

Just like my love you stole, it’s left me the worry of my lifetime

*用欺也用騙 用幾多好計謀

*Through cheating and deception, as well as with many good tricks

盜得芳心 然後置諸腦後

After stealing my heart, you put it behind you

#為什麼忍心如許​ 用愛添我憂

# How can you be so pitiless like this, causing my worries with love

剩下我痴痴淚流 未解心裡憂

Leaving me with idiotic tears and unresolved worries

伴著種種苦共甜 為君一生去守

Accompanied by all kinds of bitterness and sweetness, I’ve to hold on you throughout my life

重唱 *,#


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