Translation of the song 步步 artist Mayday
Step by step
空无一人的大街 闯入无人婚纱店 为你披上雪白誓言
In the empty High Street, we burst into an empty bridal store, to drape over you my snow-white oath
世界已灰飞烟灭 而爱矗立高楼间 你是真的或是我的 幻觉
The world has turned to cinder and ash, but love remains tall amongst the skyscrapers, are you real or are you an illusion?
时光遗忘的背面 独坐残破的台阶 哪个乱世没有离别
In the scenery forgotten by time, sat alone upon a decaying stile, in what chaotic world does parting not exist?
天空和我的中间 只剩倾盆的思念
In the sky and in my core, all that is left is tumultuous longing
如果相识 不能相恋 是不是还不如擦肩
If we met, but cannot love, is it not better to simply brush shoulders and forget?
在失去你的风景里面 你却占据了每一条街
In the scenery in which I lost you, you occupy every street
一步步曾经 一步步想念 在脚下蔓延
step by step through what used to be, step by step missing*, spreading beneath my feet.
在充满你的回忆里面 我独自流浪海角天边
In the memories filled with you, I wander in solitude to the edge of the world
一步步走过 当时心愿
Retracing step by step, our wishes back then
格林威治大钟前 归零超载的伤悲 背着我和我的诺言
Before the Greenwich clock, empty and incapacitating sorrow, carrying me and my oaths.
一起计画的路线 对照孤单的旅店 一声晚安 却又唤醒 泪腺
The journeys we had planned, gazing at the lonely hotel room, a word of good night, awoke my tear ducts instead.
时代广场的跨年 颐和花季的蓝天 数着愿望在你指尖
Times Square's New Year's Eve, the Spring Heavenly Palace's blue sky, counting the wishes at your fingertips
当时有多少心愿 就有多少的残缺
How many wishes we had then, that is how many defects we have now
如果后悔 不能后退 是不是就只能往前
If we regret, and we cannot retreat, is it true that we can only continue ahead?
在失去你的风景里面 你却占据了每一条街
In the scenery in which I lost you, you occupy every street
一步步曾经 一步步想念 在脚下蔓延
step by step through what used to be, step by step missing, spreading beneath my feet.
在充满你的回忆里面 我独自流浪海角天边
In the memories filled with you, I wander in solitude to the edge of the world
一步步走过 当时心愿
Retracing step by step, our wishes back then
生如浮萍般卑微 爱却苍穹般壮烈
Life is insignificant as a floating lotus in a lake, and yet love is as glorious as the great heavens
I'll climb the most treacherous peaks for you
and trek through the most jagged of sentimental love
traverse all of it step by step
在失去你的风景里面 你却占据了整个世界
In the scenery in which I lost you, you occupy the entire world
每一张相片 每一个房间 每一滴眼泪
Every photo, every room, every tear,
在充满你的回忆里面 我独自一人和眼泪周旋
in the memories filled with you, I spiral in my tears
一步步走向 孤单的明天
Walking step by step towards, the lonely morrow.
也许在来生的某个明天 我们能再写新的情节
Perhaps in a morrow of the next life, we may write a new scene
一步步完成 当时心愿
and complete step by step, our wishes then
一步步完成 最美残缺
and complete step by step, the most beautiful defect.