Translation of the song Zanı artist Gazapizm



English translation




Kesilmişse cezan boşa temyiz

If your verdict of guilty has been given, appeal is unneeded

Düşlerin gereksiz

Your dreams are unnecessary

Bir gün değişecek bir şeyler, hem de hiç bedelsiz

One day things will chance, even at no cost

Biz de gelicez bir gün tüm engelleri geçtik

And we will come one day having crossed all the obstacles

Cengiz, oralarda esrarengiz olaylar olacak

Cengiz, mysterious events will happen there

Pa-pa-para, kalk polisi ara

M-m-money, get up and call the police

FBI'ı ara, ambulansı ara, itfaiyeyi ara

Call the FBI, call the ambulance, call the fire station

Ara, düştük yine zara

Call, we've fallen to the dice again1

Bıraksalar çok radikal kararlar alcaz

If only they let us, we'll make very radical decisions

Buca Heykel'den Otokent'e otobandan koysak

If we were to race from Buca Heykel2 to Otokent via the highway

Arkamızdan korna çalan Ford Connect olcak

Ford Connect3 will sound the horn behind us

Bi' konuşsak anlaşsak, kim kontak kurcak?

If only we could talk and bargain, who will make the contact?

Hiç yoktan pay vercez, iş koycak

We'll (have to) give a share out of nothing, he'll give us a run

Bu da hızlı hayat dezavantajı

And this is the disadvantage of fast life

Hatta Abuzer'den halliceyiz, hem vatandaşız

We're barely different from Abuzer, also we're citizen4

Bi' kurşun mu döktürsek? Hep bela başım!

Shall we have lead poured5? I'm always in trouble!

Ne bir servetimiz olcak bizim ne maaşımız yatcak

Neither will we have a fortune, nor a salary

Bi' de hasret mi sarcak?

And then will there also be longing?

O gençliğin yirmisinde kahvelerde solcak

Your youthfulness will fade in teahouses6 at 20

Sen de sevdiğine mahallene düşman olcan

And you'll become enemies with your loved one, with your neighborhood

Seni kimse anlamayacak, tek başına kalcan

No one will understand you, you will be left alone

Gökyüzüne bak, gözlerini aç, özlemeyi bırak

Look up to the sky, open your eyes, stop missing

Bi' maganda kurşunusun ya da bir köşede gasp

You're either a stray bullet or extortion at a corner

Bi' köşede ailen yok, köşk dediğin park

You don't have a family, what you call mansion is a park

Bi' kağıda adalet yaz, bir köşede yak, yak

Write justice on a paper, burn it at a corner, burn



[Cash Flow]

[Cash Flow]

Bu aralar asabım ve işlerim kesat

Nowadays my temper and business are broken

Put your hands up, otobanda haze yak

Put your hands up, light up the haze on the highway

Bir gün gelecek her Barack Obama'dan lanet yağacak

One day will come every Barack Obama will make the curse rain

Ve suratına kezzap

And acid attack to your face

Psikolojimiz bozulmuş arkadaşlar

Our psychology has been deteriorated friends

ASAP Rocky'yi gangsta sananlar var

They think A$AP Rocky is gangsta

Ama sokakta, yanından geçer kasaplar

But in the streets butchers8 pass by them

Bize anlatılan aynı masallar

It's always the same fairy tales

What's up, lan?!

What's up, man?!

Hemen kalk masamdan

Get up from my table immediately

Paranı yüzüme vurursan, kasandan olursun basbaya

If you twit me with your money, it will cost your safe box jsyk

Yanımda köpek yok, olsaydı gerek duyardım tasmaya

I don't have a dog with me, if I had I would need a collar

Beni de kasma ya

Oh don't nudge me

Kardeşlerimle gelecem siz köpekleri asmaya

I'll come with my brothers to hang you dogs

Asya'ya, Avrupa'ya, NASA'ya

To Asia, to Europe, to NASA

Ateş edelim istersen mafyaya

Let's open fire, if you want, on the mafia

Laf ya, ağızdan bir kere çıkar

O word, comes out of mouth only once9

Benim evime gelirsen babana bi' kere sıkar giderim

If you come to my house I'll shoot your father once and go

Biliderim in derim, rap dediğin dilini keseyim

I would say my brother is in, let me cut your tongue that says rap

Beni delirtmeyin, sokakları geri verin

Don't make me crazy, give the streets back

Esiri miyiz para ya da maddelerin?

Are we captives of money or substances?

Beynini sikeyim rüyandaki caddelerin

Fuck the brain of the streets in your dream

Hayat dediğin toz pembe değil

What you call life is not all lavender and roses

Arkadaşlarını iyi seç ve kimseye güvenmeyin

Pick your friends wisely and don't trust anyone





Yıldızlara yakın, şehre uzak

Close to the stars, far from the city

Hayalleri çürüten bir bodrum katta tuzak

Trapped in a basement floor that corrodes dreams

Sabah olmayacak, kalk

There will be no morning, get up

Kaldırım taşları arasından kan, sokak lambası patlak

Blood between the paving stones, the street lamp is burst

Uzaklaş ordan, ışığa doğru koşcan

Get away from there, you shall run to the light

Soldan ara sokakta beyaz toros, sellektör, korkcan

On the left side street white taurus10, flashing headlights, you'll be scared

Bir deparla korna

It will horn as you sprint

Hiç bir suçun yoksa bile yakalayıp voltaj, biraz artcak oktav

Even if you're innocent they'll catch and shock you, you'll scream a little11

Köşeyi dön, kameraya gülümse

Turn the corner, smile to the camera

Günün tek aksiyonu, sakla yüzün görüncek

Only action of the day, hide, your face will appear

Ellerin cebinde, başka hiçbir şey yok, gözün pek

Your hands in your pockets, you got nothing else, you're fearless

Kahkahalar duycan, oysa hiçbir şey yok gülüncek

You will hear laughters, but there is nothing to laugh

Hasbelkader gün yüzüne çıksan

If it so happens that you come to light

Gözlerin kamaşcak, geri karanlığa kaçcan

Your eyes will be dazzled, you will run back to the darkness

Hayallerinde görüntü yok bir temassızlık olcak

No picture in your dreams, there will be a loss of signal

Ölsen de kurtulmıycan, bi' de haksızlık olcak

You won't get rid of it even if you die, and it will be unfair

Bi' gün biz de dersek yenildik

One day if we say we are defeated

O zamana kadar koşup yorulmayan eğilsin

Until that day those who refuse to run and get tired shall kneel down

Şimdi boğazımızdaki halat gerildi

Now the rope around our throat is stretched

Bu sokaktan ileri, o dümeni gasp edecek birileri

Forward from this street, someone who will usurp that rudder

Yaz bi' kenara bütün bunları

Note down all of these aside

Ağır uykusundan uyanmayan günü kurtarır

One who does not wake up from heavy sleep only saves the day

Bi' kasvete mahkum onlar görüş sonrası

They're doomed to a gloom after prison visit

İhtiyaçtan fazlasında gözün olmasın

Don't ever desire more than you need





Karanlık kafanıza aydınlığı çaksın

Let the darkness flash the brightness to your head

Kimi zaman ürküyorsun, bazen bıçaksın

Sometimes you're timid, but sometimes a knife

Kaçacan, Çado gelip sana delik açacak

You will run away, Çado will come and make a hole through you

Kafandan full cap'ini alacak

He'll take your full cap from your head

Wiz Khalifa Kuruçay'a giremez

Wiz Khalifa cannot enter Kuruçay

Diss kafana mermi gibi inemez

Diss cannot descend upon your head like a bullet

Bu yüzden sit, piç

Therefore sit, bastard

Polis bize pek şapşik

Police is so silly to us

Yek kankin mapusta, sen burada ne arıyon sahi?

Your sole companion is in jail, so how come you're even here?12

Dahiyiz sokakta, abileri tokatla

We're genius in the street, slap the big brothers

Anarşiste selam ver Kızıldere Tokat'ta

Salute the anarchist at Kızıldere, Tokat13

İzmir'de konakla Kemeraltı Konak'ta

Accomodate in İzmir, in Kemeraltı, Konak

Baliciden dayak ye, yatıyor mu sigortan?

Get jumped by the glue-sniffer, do you even have medical insurance?

Aç orta, Gazapizm, rövaşatam doruktan

Cross the ball, Gazapizm, my bicycle kick from the pinnacle

Uçuyoruz kanatsız rahatta

We fly without wings at ease

Üşüyorsun görünce

You feel cold when you see (us)

Ağzımızda ateşten canavar sandığın cuvara

The thing in our mouth you think is a fire monster is a joint

Bu aralar kural dışı şuur, yeni buluş

Nowadays solecistic consciousness, new invention

Şuralarda bir yerlerde bela seni bulur

Somewhere around there the trouble finds you

Cehenneme turum, sikiyim para pulu

My tour to the hell, fuck the money and asset

Kara para vurup yara verip Richie Rich'e

I'll make illegal money and wound the Richie Rich

Dikçem evi dağa taşa

(Then) I'll build houses here and there

Abeciye olma maşa

Don't be the freeloader's pawn

Solingen'im hazır maça

My Solingen14 is ready for the match

Hırsızlara kulak tıka

(They) Turn a deaf ear to thieves

Öğrenciye göz altı, yaka paça

But arrest the students frogmarched

Kalbim buna yara açar

It scars my heart

Mavzerim cahile ateş saçar

My Mauser15 spits fire at the ignorant

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