Translation of the song 空からこぼれたSTORY artist Sherlock Hound (OST)
A spilt story from the sky
街に流れてる 時計台の鐘の音
The sound of the clock tower bell is flowing through the city.
霧が晴れたなら 窓を開けてごらん
If the fog clears, open the window.
石だたみに 影がのびる
Shadows grow on the stone pavement.
愛という名の 足音・・・
They're footsteps called love.
隠せないさ 僕の瞳は
You can't hide it from my eyes.
ホンの 小さなことまで
You can't hide even the smallest things.
隠せないさ やがてhappy end
You can't hide. Eventually a happy end will be
キミのポストに 届くよ
posted to your mailbox.
空からこぼれた Story
They're stories spilled from the sky.
何を見つめてる キミの黒い瞳は
What are you looking at with your black eyes.
何を映してる キミの緑のハート
What is your green heart reflecting.
この広い 空の下で
I can fly anywhere under this wide sky.
どこへだって 飛べるから・・・
Let me hear your voice
キミの声を 僕に聞かせて
It's okay if it is a dream you had this morning.
今朝見た夢で いいから
Let me hear your dreams
キミの夢を 僕に聞かせて
Let me hear about them
いつもの キャフェのテーブル
at the usual cafe table.
空からこぼれた Story
They're stories spilled from the sky.
隠せないさ 僕の瞳は
You can't hide it from my eyes.
ホンの 小さなことまで
You can't hide even the smallest things.
隠せないさ やがてhappy end
You can't hide. Eventually a happy end will be
キミのポストに 届くよ
posted to your mailbox.
空からこぼれた Story
They're stories spilled from the sky.