Translation of the song La Mer artist Avalon Jazz Band
La Mer
Beyond the Sea
La Mer
Beyond the sea
Qu'on voit danser le long des golfes clairs
We saw dancing along the clear bay
A des reflets d'argent
With silver reflections
La mer
Beyond the sea
Des reflets changeants
Change reflection
Sous la pluie
in the rain
La Mer
Beyond the sea
Au ciel d’été confond
Fusion in the summer sky
Ses blancs moutons
His white sheep
Avec les anges si purs
With such a pure angel
La mer bergère d'azur
Azure shepherd sea
Have a Look
Pres des étangs
Near the pond
Ces grands roseaux mouilles
These great wet reeds
Have a Look
Ces oiseaux blancs
These white birds
Et ces maisons rouillées
And these rusty houses
La Mer
Beyond the sea
Les a berces
The cradles
Le long des golfes clairs
Along the clear bay
Et d'une chanson d'amour
There is a love song
La Mer
Beyond the sea
A berce mon cœur pour la vie
Shocked my heart for life
Submitted by: Michioflavia
Translated by Michioflavia