Translation of the song Kačket dole artist Corona (Predrag Miljković)
Kačket dole
Hat down
Veruj mi, ista krv, brate
Trust me, same blood, mate
tece ovim venama
Flows trough these veins
gasim vase namere zle
I turn down your ban intentions
prljave k'o pepeljara
Dirty like an ash tray
Flasirani mozgovi
Trapped brains
k'o rakija u pljosci
Like alcohol in a bottle
droge sam vid'o vise
I've seen more drugs
nego Ramadanovski
Than Ramadanovski
Pet ortaka, petokraka
Five bros, five-legged star
Zvezda-Bari, devet jedan
Zvezda-Bari, nine to one
pa danas sva sranja
And today all this shit
kroz drugu prizmu gledam
I watch just trough a different tv
Mi smo odrasli u zemlji
We grew up in a country
gde nas zivot nije mazio
Where life didn't take car of us
i nase pesme zauvek
And our songs forever
gorece kao kandilo
Will burn like a lamp
Nismo zvezde, mi smo
We're not stars, we are
braca sa betona
Brothers from the streets
Corona, lud kudravi
Corona, crazy curly guy
Gaucos - Maradona
Sve su dublji potoci
Streams of blood are getting deeper
krvi posle devedesetih
After the nineties
jebe mi se za diplomu
I don't give a fuck about a degree
nema je ni predsednik
Even the president doesn't have one
Vidi, mi k'o Beastie Boys
Look, we're like Beastie Boys
legli na bit
We have the beat
i rep svez k'o pepermint
And rap fresh as peppermint
iz rizli tih
From those rizzlas
Ispada sad i nisam
Now it looks like i
ni sanjao da
Haven't dreamed of
masa skakace na moje pesme
The mass chanting to my songs
k'o Impala, fuck
Like Impala, fuck
Kacket Dole Mafia
Hats down mafia
tvrdo vas jebemo
We fuck you hard
progutacemo vas
We'll swallow you
hladno, zaledjeno jezero
Cold, cold lake
Losi ste glumci
You're bad actors
namsrteni likovi
Poker face guys
osmeh mi necete uzeti nikad
You'll never take away my smile
Dragan Nikolic
Dragan Nikolic
Ulice su prljave i mracne
The streets are dirty and dark
alkoholom lecim bol i rane
I heal my pain and wounds with alcohol
ovde ljubav kupujes za pare
You can buy love for money here
brate, cuvaj ledja svoje brace
Mate, watch your brothers' back
Zato kad nas vidis kacket dole
So when you see us hat down
kacket dole, kacket dole
Hat down, hat down
zato kad nas vidis kacket dole
So when you see us hat down
kacket dole, spusti kacket dole
Hat down, hat down
U ovoj dzungli bori se
Fight in this jungle
k'o lav da ostanes ziv
To survive like a lion
Balkan banana split
Balkan banana split
niko nam nije kriv
It's nobody's fault
Dundja, Ho Ci Min
Dundja, Ho Ci Min
znaci hocu mir
I want peace
i jednu Pretty woman
And one Pretty Woman
kao Ricard Gir
Like Richard Gear
187, da, ja sam bludni sin
187, yea, i'm a son of a bitch
za neke i kurvin sin
For some son of a whore
al' nikako gubitnik
But not a loser
uzvicnik, Dundja rep
Exclamation mark, Dundja rap
vunderkind, super lik
Wunderkind, great guy
Dodji, pa iz moje lule
Come, and from my tobacco pipe
sad ti povuci dim
Take a smoke
hvala Bogu imam s kim
Thank God i have someone
znam da mogu, imam s cim
I know i can, i have someone to do it with
Kacket Dole Mafia, mi smo tim
Hat down mafia
imamo novi hit, naravno
We have a new hit, of course
kad je One Music Beats
When it's One Music Beats
seruj link i ne hejtuj, bitch
Share link and don't hate, bitch
Uglavnom dobar, nekad los
Mostly good, sometimes bad
na bitu zao
Wicked with beat
samo sam u minusu
I'm in minus only
kad igra Makao
When Macao plays
Sutra moja ljubav i ja
Tomorrow my love and me
Aruba, Kurasao
Aruba, Curacao
dok reperi su bogati
While rappers are rich
bogati Ma, kao
You're rich, you say
Ma, cao, niste
Bye, you're not
nam ni dorasli
Not down to our knees
sve nase pobede
All our victories
su vasi porazi
Are your losses
Nasi snovi vasi kosmari
Our dreams are your nightmares
nismo kao ostali
We're not like the rest
to moze da se oseti
You can feel that
kacket dole svi
Hats down everybody
Za ovo srce ti nemas
You don't have a heart for this
dovoljno metaka
Enough bullets
pogled sampiona
Look of a champion
ne mozes to da izresetas
You can't do that
I da umrem sutra
If i died tomorrow
znam ko umro bi za mene
I know who would die for me
brate, stigli smo vas
Mate, we caught up with you
brze nego uklerizahenje
Faster than
Iza mene samo
Behind me are just
zapaljeni mostovi
Burning bridges
ispred mene su
In front of me are
ugovoreni poslovi
Made deals
Gore na nebu
Up on the sky
samo Bog je iznad geta
Only God is above ghetto
ispod mene su najke
Under me are Nike
ispod njih je scena
Under them is a stage
A s tobom necu
And to you i don't even want to
da se pozdravim, ne
Say hello, no
u kraju nije
And in the neighborhood is not
tako kul kao nekad
As cool as it used to be
Ortak je kriv od gudre
My friend is arrested for drugs
zvacemo ga Kosmodisk
We'll call him Kosmodisk
obrisani mozgovi, steta
Washed brains, that's bad
Cemu ljubomora
And why that jealousy
i prezir
And hate
moram da jedem
I have to eat
moram da sipam benzin
I have to buy gas
Brate, majke mi
Brother, i swear on my mom
sve su ovo bili samo snovi
All this was just a dream
Killa, Corona, Dundja
Killa, Corona, Dundja
brate, Niderland calling
Brother, Netherlands calling
Premalo vremena
Not enough time
previse stresa
Too much stress
svima u satovima
In everyone's clock
curi pesak
The sand is dripping
A ja
And I
ja samo hocu najbolje
I just want the best
kacket Dole Mafia
Hat down mafia
porodica hasluje
Family hustling