Translation of the song Predsednička Pratnja artist Corona (Predrag Miljković)
Predsednička Pratnja
Presidential Escort
A kad padne mrak (A kad padne mrak)
And when it gets dark (And when it gets dark)
Nekad sam mogô da sanjam
I used to be able to dream
Sad pravo iz kraja u novi Air Max
Now I'm going straight from my area into the new Air Max
Lica sa TV ekrana, svi znaju za nas
Faces from the TV screen, everyone knows about us
Mercedes Benz SLK, predsednička plata
Mercedes Benz SLK, presidential salary
U brzoj traci rolam, predsednička pratnja
Rolling in the fast lane, presidential escort
Gde će meni duša, kada zora svane?
Where will my soul go when dawn breaks?
Granica je nebo iznad panorame
The border is the sky above the panorama
Mercedes Benz SLK, predsednička plata
Mercedes Benz SLK, presidential salary
U brzoj traci rolam, predsednička pratnja
Rolling in the fast lane, presidential escort
Gde će meni duša, kada zora svane?
Where will my soul go when dawn breaks?
Granica je nebo iznad panorame
The border is the sky above the panorama
Bruda, jebeno je bilo nekad u kraju
Bro, life used to be hard in my area
A hteli smo i Air Max, i pare i slavu
And we wanted Air Max, and money and fame
Hteli smo i Gucci, i Fendi i Pradu
We wanted Gucci, Fendi and Prada
A sada novi Brabus rolamo po gradu
And now we're in the new Brabus, rolling 'round the city
Gravure na vratu, samo skupi juveliri
Engravings on the neck, expensive jewelers only
Došli smo iz kraja, sada okrenemo svet
We came from our area, now we're turning the whole world around
A sad evri, franci šuškaju nam kao Napapijri
And now the euros, the francs are crinkling like Napapijri
KDM je geng kô La Casa de Papel
KDM is a gang just like La Casa de Papel
A kad padne mrak (A kad padne mrak)
And when it gets dark (And when it gets dark)
Nekad sam mogô da sanjam
I used to be able to dream
Sad pravo iz kraja u novi Air Max
Now I'm going straight from my area into the new Air Max
Lica sa TV ekrana, svi znaju za nas
Faces from the TV screen, everyone knows about us
Mercedes Benz SLK, predsednička plata
Mercedes Benz SLK, presidential salary
U brzoj traci rolam, predsednička pratnja
Rolling in the fast lane, presidential escort
Gde će meni duša, kada zora svane?
Where will my soul go when dawn breaks?
Granica je nebo iznad panorame
The border is the sky above the panorama
Mercedes Benz SLK, predsednička plata
Mercedes Benz SLK, presidential salary
U brzoj traci rolam, predsednička pratnja
Rolling in the fast lane, presidential escort
Gde će meni duša, kada zora svane?
Where will my soul go when dawn breaks?
Granica je nebo iznad panorame
The border is the sky above the panorama
Na meni samo krokodili
Crocodiles all up on me
A sanjali smo Rolex, AP i Richard Mille
And we used to dream of Rolex, AP and Richard Mille
Mike Amiri, Mike Amiri
Mike Amiri, Mike Amiri
Sad smo bliže milionu - a milli, a milli
We are now closer to a million - oh milli, oh milli
Znam da voleo me grad, voleo sam i ja njega
I know the city loved me, I loved it too
I ne prašta se uspeh, ali ja za drugo ne znam
And success is not forgiven, but I don't know of anything else
I pre bih umro mlad, nego bedu ja da gledam
I would rather die young than look at misery
Mama, briši suze, od večeras sve se menja
Mom, wipe away the tears, everything is changing tonight
A kad padne mrak (A kad padne mrak)
And when it gets dark (And when it gets dark)
Nekad sam mogô da sanjam
I used to be able to dream
Sad pravo iz kraja u novi Air Max
Now I'm going straight from my area into the new Air Max
Lica sa TV ekrana, svi znaju za nas
Faces from the TV screen, everyone knows about us
Mercedes Benz SLK, predsednička plata
Mercedes Benz SLK, presidential salary
U brzoj traci rolam, predsednička pratnja
Rolling in the fast lane, presidential escort
Gde će meni duša, kada zora svane?
Where will my soul go when dawn breaks?
Granica je nebo iznad panorame
The border is the sky above the panorama
Mercedes Benz SLK, predsednička plata
Mercedes Benz SLK, presidential salary
U brzoj traci rolam, predsednička pratnja
Rolling in the fast lane, presidential escort
Gde će meni duša, kada zora svane?
Where will my soul go when dawn breaks?
Granica je nebo iznad panorame
The border is the sky above the panorama
I'm the best ever
I'm the best ever