Translation of the song Grybai. artist Lithuanian Folk



English translation


Oi grybai, grybai, jūs patieka mano,

Oh, mushroom, mushroom, you're my solace!

Kas jūsų nevalgo, nieko neišmano.

Those who do not eat you know nothing

Aš su savo boba išėjau grybauti,

I went to pick mushroom together with my old missis

Atradau lepšę, negaliu išrauti.

I found a scaber stalk that I couldn't uproot

Mano bobutė labai silpna buvo,

My old missis was very weak

Beraudama lepšę ir pati sugriuvo.

She fell down herself as she was pulling out the scaber stalk

Išvirsim lepšę, nugraibysim taukus,

We shall cook the scaber stalk, we shall skim off the fat

Duosim šeimynai, kuri dirba laukus.

We shall give it to the family who work in the fields

Ką nesuvalgysim, į krepšį sudėsim,

What we shall not eat, we will pack in a basket

Važiuosim kermošiun, užkandį turėsim.

We will have a snack when we go to the fair

Oi grybai, grybai, jūs patieka mano...

Oh, mushroom, mushroom, you're my solace!

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