Translation of the song Vinča san more artist LVKY
Vinča san more
I married the sea
Predugo ja na te san čeka
Too long I was waiting for you
I gleda ka' ćeš doć mi
I was wondering when you will come to me
Ti... Svaki dan...
You... every day...
Da ne bi se plaši škriputanja u tami
Not to be scared of the noise in the dark
Ja san se vinča
I got married
Jer nisan više moga sam
Because I wasn't able to be alone anymore
Vinča san Zoru
I married the dawn
Da jutron mene budi iz sna
To wake me up every morning
Vinča san Lunu
I married the moon
Da svaku noć mi na nebu sja
To shine on the sky every night for me
Vinča san Pismu
I married the song
Bar me Ona doma čekat zna
At least she is able to wait for me
Vinča san More
I married the sea
Plovi duša u val beskraja...
My soul is floating into the wave of infinity