Translation of the song Happy Life artist Marcus.wav


Happy Life

English translation

Happy Life

Ni til fem, ja, ni til fem

Nine to five, yeah, nine to five

Du har det nemt

You've got an easy life

Ikk' så meget og gem'

Not much to hide

Alt er fint, og der er skyfrit

All is good and there's clear skies

Du har tungen lige i munden, ja 

You tread carefully, yeah

Næste skridt

Next step

Voksenliv, pisse stiv

Grown-up life, very drunk

Klaveret spiller,

You're fit as a fiddle

Mit stemmer ikk'

Mine is out of tune

Vi deler blik

We share glances

Det' mig

It's me

Jeg finder ikke dig

I don't find you

For du' ude af min liga

Cause you're out of my league

Jeg hopper til side

I jump aside

Misunder dit ydre

I envy your exterior

Og din skolede viden, ja

And your educated wit, yeah

Du har alt, hva' jeg vil ha'

You've got everything I want

Det gode liv jeg vil smage

The good life I'd like to taste

Stor bil, stor kanon

Big car, big shot

Din' børn ska' ikke mangle nogen ting

Your children won't be short of anything

Du har et happy life, yeah

You have a happy life, yeah

Du har et happy life

You have a happy life

Du har et happy life, yeah

You have a happy life, yeah

Du har et happy life

You have a happy life

De samme gamle steder

The same old places

Weekend med dejlig' venner, ja

Weekend with lovely friends, yeah

Ikk' så mange af dem der' ændret

Not many of them has changed

Det' det sam' som de ældre

It's the same as the old

Og du har prøvet mel fra en anden pos'

And you have tried cake from another bag

Dansed' hele natten,

You've danced all night

Ja, det ku' bruges

Yeah, that was good stuff

I har det godt, og minder bli'r fler'

You're doing well and memories multiply

Jeg vil ha' det godt

I wanna feel good

Men jeg ka' ikk' relatere

But I can't relate

For du' ude af min liga

Cause you're out of my league

Jeg hopper til side

I jump aside

Misunder dit ydre

I envy your exterior

Og dit skolede vid, ja

And your educated knowledge, yeah

Du har alt, hva' jeg vil ha'

You've got everything I want

Det gode liv jeg vil smage

The good life I'd like to taste

Stor bil, stor kanon

Big care, big shot

Din' børn ska' ikke mangle nogen ting

Your children won't be short of anything

Du har et happy life, yeah

You have a happy life, yeah

Du har et happy life

You have a happy life

Du har et happy life, yeah

You have a happy life, yeah

Du har et happy life

You have a happy life

Du har alt, hva' jeg vil ha'

You've got everything I want

Det gode liv jeg vil smage

The good life I'd like to taste

Stor bil, stor kanon

Big care, big shot

Din' børn ska' ikke mangle nogen ting

Your children won't be short of anything

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