Translation of the song いま地球がめざめる artist Future Boy Conan (OST)
Now the earth awakens
海は あおく眠り
The sea sleeps in blue
大地に生命 芽生え
Life sprout on the earth
そして空が そして空が
And the sky is,
And the sky is dreaming of tomorrow.
ほら 生まれ変わった地球が
There you see, the reborn earth is,
目覚めの朝を 迎える
welcoming the morning of awakening.
泳げ 波けたて
Swim and kick the waves.
走れ 土をけり
Run and kick the earth.
Because I like the earth so much.
こんなに夜明けが 美しいから
Because the dawn is so beautiful.
Basking in the morning light,
Two lives are met.
そして愛が そして愛が
And the love is,
And the love is sprouting in my heart.
ほら 生まれ変わったふたりが
There you see, two reborn people are,
のぞみの朝を 迎える
welcoming the morning of hope.
歌え 声あわせ
Sing and voice together.
おどれ かたをくみ
Dance and cross your shoulders.
Because I like the earth so much.
こんなに夜明けが 美しいから
Because the dawn is so beautiful.
怒れ 足をふみ
Get angry and step on the ground.
笑え 手をたたき
Start laughing and clap your hands.
Because I like the earth so much.
こんなに夜明けが 美しいから
Because the dawn is so beautiful.
In July 2008 A.D., Mankind was facing the verge of extinction.
With super-magnetic weapons that far exceed nuclear weapons,
Half of the world has destroyed within an instant.
The earth was hit by earth crustal movements.
The earth's axis was twisted.
(原作 アレクサンダー・ケイ「残された人びと」より)」
All five continents were torn apart and sank into the sea.