Translation of the song 放課後に落ち込んだ少女 artist Onyanko Club
A girl depressed after school
遠い空に淡いブルーの インクこぼれた 夕暮れ
The twilight spilled pale blue ink in the sky
誰もいない教室から 外を見てると
When I see outside from the empty classroom
白いラインが まるで呪文みたい
A white line looks like a spell
この窓の向こうは あの頃と同じね
On the other side of the window, it's like on that time
錆びたフェンス 水をみんな抜いてしまった プールは
A rusty fence, a pool with all the water removed
胸の奥の思い出の 全てをなくした
Tell me about the whereabouts of the summer
That lost all the memories in its chest
恋なんて もう2度としない
I'll never fall in love again
(Don’t cry my love)
(Don't cry my love)
A girl depressed after school
その涙 ひとしずく拭えば
When she wipes her tears
Little by little becomes beautiful
なれると聞いた 伝説よ
It's a legend I heard
2人結ぶ 長い廊下の壁に 並んだロッカー
On the lockers lined up on the wall of the long corridor
アルファベット 順番にAから探して
When I searched in alphabetical order from the A
I followed his initials with my finger
And said to myself Goodbye
(I can’t stop crying)
(I can't stop crying)
A girl depressed after school
When she turns her love into memories
By October she becomes beautiful
なれると聞いた 伝説よ
It's a legend I heard