Translation of the song Balada Seorang Minta-Minta artist Tetty Kadi


Balada Seorang Minta-Minta

English translation

Ballad of A Poor Beggar

Kisah seorang minta-minta

This is a story of a poor beggar

Yang hampir-hampir meninggalkan dunia

Who almost left the world

Di satu pinggiran jalan yang sepi

On the side of the street

Perut kelaparan terasa nyeri

Her stomach aching of hunger

Terdengar tangisan merana

Then she heard a miserable cry

Si buyung yang selalu dibawa-bawa

A little child whom she carried around

Yang tak pernah kenal akan bapaknya

Who never knew his own father

Hanya satu kasih sayang ibunda

But only one mother’s love

Siang dan malam hanya minta-minta

Day and night, she spent begging

Demi kasihnya pada anaknya

For the sake of love to her only child

Menghadapi saat akhirnya

As she is facing her end

Dia berdoa pada Tuhan yang Esa

She prayed to the only One God

Agar sudi melimpahkan rahmatNya

Asking willingly to bestow His mercy

Kepada anak yang ditinggalkannya

To the child she left behind

Tak tahan menampun derita

As she could not bear the suffering

Pengemis itu pun meninggal dunia

The beggar passed away in this world

Diiringi tangis sedih anaknya

Along with the loud crying of her poor child

Tak seorang pun sudi menolongnya

No kind person wanted to help them

Oh, kasihan dia! Siapa yang menolongnya

Oh, poor him! Who will now help them?

Insan pengasih, ulurkan tanganmu

Loving people, lend me your hand!

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