Translation of the song يازعلان artist Waleed Al Shami



English translation

O Sad Girl

يازعلان يازعلان

O sad girl, o sad girl

خليت قلبي حيران

You've made my heart perplexed

ماقلت لك ياحبيبي بطل دلع من زمان

I've told you darling to stop coquetry

ليه ماترد السلام وين الغزل والغرام

Why don't you reply to my greeting

تراضيني ولا بروح واسيب لك هالمكان

Where is your flirting and loving

يزعلان يازعلان

Will you reconcile with me or,

خليت قلبي حيران

I will go and leave you this place

لاتخلي راسك عنيد كثر الدلع مايفيد

O sad girl, o sad girl

يا ماخذ العمر كله غيرك انا مااريد

You've made my heart perplexed

اتعبتني ياحنون والعقل صابه جنون

Don't be headstrong, coz more coquetry won't be useful

شلي حصلك ياغالي وقلبك تناسى الحنان

O girl, you've won my whole life, so I don't want other than you

يازعلان يازعلان

O tender girl, you've tired me out, and made me go crazy

خليت قلبي حيران

What's happened to you darling,

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