Translation of the song Die waarskuwing artist Bittereinder
Die waarskuwing
The Warning
na die tyd was daar mense wat gesê het dat hulle dit verwag het
afterwards there people who said that they expected it
hulle was nog kwaad en bitter oor al die mense wat vir hulle gelag het...
they were still angry and bitter about all the people who laughed at them
maar selfs 'n doemprofeet kon hierdie skade nie voorspel nie
but even a prophet of doom couldn't have predicted this damage
die hele aarde aan die brand soos 'n voorsmaak van hel, die
the entire Earth burning like a preview of hell, the
vuur was onblusbaar, kontinente uitgewis
fire was inextinguishable , continents wiped out
en mens moes mettertyd mooi soek vir tekens van die oorlewendes
and after a while one had to look far for signs of survivors
asemhaal was onmoontlik tussen die vlamme van vertering
breathing was difficult between the digesting flames
elke woud was vernietig, elke stad verwoes vir ewig
every forest was destroyed every city ruined forever
hele spesies het verdwyn in die eerste paar minute
entire species disappeared in the first couple of minutes
die greep van die vuur het orals uitgesprei soos 'n siekte
the grip of the fire spread out everywhere like a disease
in die verte was 'n berg met sy skouers in die wolke
in the distance there was a mountain with its shoulders in the clouds
en mensdom se oorblyfsels mik toe daarvoor in die donker
and the remains of humanity headed there in the dark
tussen die hittegolwe en die vlaktes van verwoesting
between the heat waves and plains of destruction
drom hulle toe saam soos miertjies uit elke rigting
they drum together like ants from every direction
en vind verligting teen die kranse en die skadu's van die laaste berg
and find relief against the cliffs and the shadows of the last mountain
en vir die eerste keer besef hulle wat oorlewing hulle gaan verg
and for the first time they realise what survival is going to cost them
en hulle klim toe al hoe hoër om skoner suurstof te vind
and they climb higher to find cleaner air
uiteindelik op die bergpiek gewaar hulle 'n vreemde Adamskind
at last on the summit of the mountain they see a strange child of Adam
wat alleen in die wind staan en oor die brandende aarde gluur
standing alone in the wind and glaring over the burning Earth
hy dra 'n lang donker jas en in sy oë weerkaats die vuur
he wears a long dark coat and the fire is reflected in his eyes
hy's een van daai vreemdes! roep 'n stem uit die skare
he's one of those strangers! a voice calls out of the crowd
en met agterdogtige gedagtes begin hulle om hom vergader
and with suspicious thoughts they begin crowding around him
wat weet jy van die vuur? begin hulle soos een stem fluister
What do you know about the fire? they start whispering in a single voice
wat maak jou soort hier? ons dink dis tyd dat jy vir ons luister...
What is your type doing here? we think it's time you listen to us.
jy was nog nooit regtig welkom nie, jy en jou vreemdelingmense
You have never really been welcome, you and your other strange people
ons vermoed nog altyd julle't vir ons net die donkerste wense
we've always suspected that you have the darkest of wishes for us
en waarlik, net soos die lus vir wraak ondraagbaar raak
en verily as the lust for revenge became unbearable
sien hulle die bewys wat van alles net 'n warrelwind maak:
they saw proof that made a whirlwind out of everything
in sy regterhand hou die vreemdeling 'n vuurhoutjie wat nog rook!
in his right hand the stranger was holding a still smouldering match
en in 'n woedende massa skreeu hulle saam soos 'n doodskoor:
and in an angry mob they shouted like a choir of death:
ons het probeer om jou te waarsku
we tried to warn you
die sirkel word al stywer soos die massa saamdrom
the circle became tighter as the people drummed together
en hulle dors vir bloed raak net dieper hoe nader hulle aan hom kom
and their lust for blood became stronger the nearer they got to him
maar skielik maak die vreemde man sy mond oop en begin praat
but suddenly the stranger opened his mouth and began to speak
en soos die oog van 'n storm is dit asof alles net stil raak
and like the eye of a storm everything became quiet
en die woorde van sy storie weergalm die verte in
and the words of his story echoed into the distance
en die kalmte in sy stem vertel van lig en oorbegin
and the calm in his voice conveys light and a sense of starting over
hy vertel hoe hy en sy mense nog altyd geweet het van die vuur
he then explained how he and his people had always known of the fire
en hoe hulle vir jare probeer het om ons te help en om ons te waarsku
and how they tried to help and warn us for years
hy vertel van klein dorpies waar hulle hom in die modder gesleep het
he recalled small towns where they dragged him through the mud
en in die kroeë van die stede waar hulle hom met bierbottels gebreek het
and in the bars of cities where they smashed him with beer bottles
en hoe niemand wou luister nie, en hy in die nagte net kon huil
and how nobody wanted to listen to him, and how he could only cry in the evenings
en hoe hy vir een meisie in 'n eetplek gesê het hy sou plekke met haar ruil
and how he told a girl in a restaurant that he would trade places with her
en sy't hom aangeval voor almal en met haar vurk hom oopgesteek
and she attacked him in front of everyone and stabbed him open with a fork
en in haar oë het hy skielik verstaan hy sou 'n ander plan moes kweek
and in her eyes he saw that he had to devise another plan
hy en sy mense het toe vergader en na hierdie selfde berg kom kyk
he and his people then convened and came to look at this same mountain
dit het vir hulle begin om soos die enigste oplossing te lyk
it started looking like the only solution to them
en ons almal wat nou hier staan is die vrugte van daai plan
and all of standing here are the result of that plan
hulle't 'n kring van vuur begin met die vuurhoutjie in sy hand
they started a circle of fire with the match in his hand
en op die manier die vuur geblus in 'n sirkel wat kon terugveg
and extinguished the fire in this way with a circle that could fight back
'n kring van vuur wat soos 'n muur staan met sy arms om die berg
a circle of fire that stood like a wall with its arms around the mountain
en net soos ons besef wat die vreemdes vir ons gegee het
and just as we realised what the strangers had given us
sien ons skaduwees in die wolke waarmee die berg hom beklee het
we saw shadows in the clouds which had draped over the mountain
en die vreemdeling begin self om in die lug op te dryf
and the stranger himself began ascending into the air
en soos hy styg hoor ons stemme wat ons troos en ook dreig
and as he ascended we could hear voices consoling but also threatening us
en hulle sing nou 'n lied wat ons herken in 'n oomblik
and they sang a song which we recognised immediately
en ons harte begin skud soos die woorde ons oopruk
and our hearts began shuddering as the words hit us
ons het probeer om jou te waarsku
we tried to warn you.