Translation of the song Кто Я Тебе? artist SYDNYOCHKA
Кто Я Тебе?
Who am I to You?
Am I anything to you?
Am I anything to you?
Do you know that I exist?
Do you know that I exist?
Watch as my hand turns into a fist!
Watch as my hand turns into a fist!
Say it.
Say it.
Tell me what you think.
Tell me what you think.
Watch as my lips curse you!
Watch as my lips curse you!
Watch, as I am not the same anymore,
Watch, as I am not the same anymore,
I am different.
I am different.
I am strong now, and you?
I am strong now, and you?
Скажите, прав я или нет!
Tell me, if I'm right or not!
Скажи мне, кто я для тебя?
Tell me, who am I to you?
Скажи мне кто ты!
Tell me who you are!
Скажите мне!
Tell me!
Скажи мне, что я делаю не так!
Tell me, what I'm doing wrong!
Вы даже не знаете, что я здесь.
You don't even know that I'm here.
What did I do to be treated like this?
What did I do to be treated like this?
Now watch as I leave you dying on the floor,
Now watch as I leave you dying on the floor,
Just as you left me!
Just as you left me!
Auf wen wartest du bei Sonnenuntergang?
Who are you waiting for at sunset?
Wer ist es?
Who is it?
Sagen Sie mir!
Tell me!
Say it.
Say it.
Tell me I am not the one.
Tell me I am not the one.
Just tell me.
Just tell me.
I'll tell you my thoughts.
I'll tell you my thoughts.
But tell me: who am I to you?
But tell me: who am I to you?
¿Por qué no coges el teléfono después de las ocho?
Why don't you pick up the phone after eight?
¿Hay alguien?
Is there someone?
¿Esta ahí?
Are you there?
¿Estás con una chica que no soy yo?
Are you with a girl that isn't me?
¿Es usted?
Are you?
You couldn't tell a lie to save your life.
You couldn't tell a lie to save your life.
So you just stay quiet as the birds sing their song.
So you just stay quiet as the birds sing their song.
Answer me!
Answer me!
Don't be quiet!
Don't be quiet!
Tell me what you're thinking!
Tell me what you're thinking!
Tell me every thought you have ever had.
Tell me every thought you have ever had.
Just remember you might not wake up tomorrow...
Just remember you might not wake up tomorrow...
Хто ти є? - Ти взяла моє життя
Who are you? - You took my life
І не віддала
And didn't return it
Хто ти є? - Ти випила мою кров
Who are you? - You drank my blood
І п'яною впала
And got drunk
Твої очі, кличуть, хочуть мене?
Are your eyes calling and wanting me?
My palm has turned into a fist.
My palm has turned into a fist.
Bullets - loaded in the gun
Bullets - loaded in the gun
Watch as you crawl on the ground.
Watch as you crawl on the ground.