Translation of the song 人生の並木路 artist Dick Mine
The avenue of life
泣くな妹よ 妹よ泣くな
Don't cry little sister, don't cry little sister
なけばおさない 二人して
If you cry, it will be useless
故郷をすてた かいがない
That we left our hometown so young
遠いさびしい 日暮の路で
In the far and lonely road of the twilight
泣いてしかった 兄さんの
Your older brother was crying
涙の声を 忘れたか
Have you forgot his sad voice?
雪も降れ降れ 夜路のはても
Snow falls in the end of the night road
やがてかがやく あけぼのに
Soon in the brilliant dawn will come
わが世の春は きっと来る
The spring of our world
生きてゆこうよ 希望に燃えて
Let's live burning in hopes
愛の口笛 高らかに
The love whistle sounds loud
この人生の 並木路
In the avenue of life