Translation of the song Odmazda artist Centurion
Sviće, mirna praznična zora.
Peaceful holiday dawn is dawning.
Budiš se uz zvuke paklenih motora,
You wake up to the sounds of infernal engines,
Nemilosrdnih, ptica čeličnih.
Ruthless birds of steel.
Čuješ te glasne posmrtne sirene,
You hear those loud mortal sirens,
Gubiš osećaj da prolazi vreme.
you lose the sense of time.
Ispuštaš bolni krik,
You let out the scream of pain,
Vas desetorica na sve njih.
the ten of you against them all.
Al opet,bolje rat nego pakt,
But again, better war than pact,
Bolje,grob nego rob.
better grave than slave.
Sada ti nesvesno uzlećeš,
Now, unwittingly you are flying up,
Sa sigurnom smrću se susrećeš.
to face the certain death.
Dok stvaraš metalnu kišu,
While making the rain of metal,
Ti tiho moli se.
pray silently.
Ubi il' budi ubijen.
Kill, or be killed.
Onaj odozgo vidi sve.
The one above sees everything.
Ceo život u jednom trenutku,
All past life in one moment,
Ne misliš na novi dan.
you do not think about the new day.
Polako postaješ svestan,
slowly you come to realize
Da počinje odmazda.
that retaliation begins.
Zrno smrti te vreba,
The seed of death stalks you,
Probija se iz olujnog neba.
it breaks out of the stormy sky.
Osećaš reski bol,
you feel the biting pain,
Svoje prokletstvo i blagoslov.
your damnation and blessing.
Dok znoj niz lice se sliva,
While sweat runs down your face,
Spremaš se da razviješ krila.
you are preparing to unfurl your wings,
Padaš na ledno tlo,
you fall on the icy ground,
Svoj put za nebesko kraljevstvo.
your path for the kingdom of heaven.
Al opet,bolje rat nego pakt,
But again, better war than pact,
Bolje,grob nego rob.
better grave than slave.
Sada ti nesvesno uzlećeš,
Now, you are rising again,
Sa sigurnom smrću se susreceš.
to face the certain death.
Dok stvaraš metalnu kišu,
While making the rain of metal,
Ti tiho moli se.
pray silently.
Ubi il' budi ubijen.
Kill, or be killed.
Onaj odozgo vidi sve.
The one above sees everything.
Ceo život u jednom trenutku,
All past life in one moment,
Ne misliš na novi dan.
you do not think about the new day.
Polako postaješ svestan,
slowly you come to realize
Da počinje odmazda.
that retaliation begins.