Translation of the song Ruka Sudbine artist Centurion
Ruka Sudbine
The hand of destiny
Radost i pravda,nema ih više,
Joy and the justice are here no longer,
Patnja i bol dominiraju,
Suffering and the pain dominate,
Al ti ne bežiš,nego ostaješ,
But you do not run, you stay,
Dok nas tama i mrak prekrivaju.
While the murk and the darkness shroud us.
U meni vriju adrenalin i bes,
Inside of me adrenaline and rage boil,
Veličam sopstveni moral i gubim granice,
I magnify my own moral and lose limits,
Opijen žestinom iskonskog nagona ,
Intoxicated by the severity of primal urge,
Pokazujem čeljust i stiskam pesnice.
i show my teeth and clench my fists.
Naša je bitka,bitka za sve,
Our battle is the battle for all,
Naše su duše ruke sudbine.
The hands of destiny are our souls.
Ponosno stojiš, jer znas što si tu,
You proudly stand, for you know why you're here,
Nisi jedini jer svi ostaju.
but you're not the only one, everyone will remain.
I kao svaki dan koji plače noćima,
And like every day that cries during the nights,
Ja vidim velik bol u vašim očima.
i see the great pain in your eyes.
Dok hodam se teturam, dok ne padnem,
While walking i totter, until i fall,
Svi će mi pomoći da ustanem.
everyone will help me to stand up.