Translation of the song Tragedija genija artist Centurion
Tragedija genija
Tragedy of the genious
Nesavladiv bes sad iz mene kulja,
Indomitable rage gushes out of me now,
težak tonu prećutanih reči.
it weights a ton of unspoken words.
Svi ste vi za mene hipnotisana rulja,
For me all of you are hypnotized rabble,
hraneći pantljičaru svoje rane lečim.
by feeding a tapeworm i heal my own wounds.
Pogni glavu i ne buni se nisi sposoban za to.
Bow your head and do not complain, you are not competent.
Potiskujem mržnju i pravim se lud!
I repress my hatred and play stupid!
Isteraj pravdu tvrdoglavo,pa makar ceh platio...
Get justice stubbornly,even if you have to pay the price.
U želji da ostanem neokrznut životnim nedaćama,
Wishing to remain untainted by the hardships of life,
vaša laž je postala moja istina.
your lie have become my truth.
I sad potisnuti pakao na videlo izbija,
And now repressed hell breaks out on the light,
Tragedija njihovog genija.
Tragedy of their genius.
Meni svaki ljudski stvor apostol je bola,
For me all human creatures are apostles of pain,
svaki susret unapred izgubljena bitka.
every match beforehand is the lost battle.
Tražeći sklonište u paklu alkohola,
Seeking for shelter in a hell of alcohol,
ljudski dodir me preseče kao sablja britka.
human touch cuts me like a sharp saber.
U želji da ostanem neokrznut životnim nedaćama,
Wishing to remain untainted by the hardships of life,
vaša laž je postala moja istina...
your lie have become my truth.
Škrabam ovaj stih kad vec nisam smeo reći,
I write this verse since i couldn't tell,
paralisan od straha da l' me iko kudi,
paralyzed by the fear that someone might blame me,
opet sam svoj front napustio trčeći,
again, running i deserted my front,
tražio sam saborca da ćutimo k'o ljudi!
seeking out for comrade to be silent like people!
U želji da ostanem neokrznut životnim nedaćama,
Wishing to remain untainted by the hardships of life,
vaša laž je postala moja istina.
your lie have become my truth.
I sad potisnuti pakao na videlo izbija,
And now repressed hell breaks out on the light,
Tragedija njihovog genija.
Tragedy of their genius.