Translation of the song Bressola de Nadal artist Christmas Carols
Bressola de Nadal
Christmas Lullaby
Com un estel
Like a star
Que omple el cel
That fills up the sky
I et porta un senyal
And brings to you a sign
Per aquest Nadal.
For this Christmas.
És a casa teva...És al teu costat
It's in your home... It's by your side
I et dóna la llum, l'amor, l'amistat!
And it brings you light, love, friendship!
I tot el que et toca, pren vida a l'instant,
And everything it touches, comes instantly alive,
I fa que la màgia sigui realitat!
And it turns magic into reality!
Com un estel
Like a star
Que omple el cel
That fills up the sky
I et porta un senyal
And brings to you a sign
Per aquest Nadal.
For this Christmas.
És a casa teva...És al teu costat
It's in your home... It's by your side
I et dóna la llum, l'amor, l'amistat!
And it brings you light, love, friendship!
I tot el que et toca, pren vida a l'instant,
And everything it touches, comes instantly alive,
I fa que la màgia sigui realitat!
And it turns magic into reality!