Translation of the song Cant de la Sibil·la artist Christmas Carols
Cant de la Sibil·la
The Song of the Sybil
Al jorn del judici
On the day of the Last Judgement
Parrà aqueyl qui aurà fet servici...
Only those who have been devout shall be saved...
Un rey vindrà, perpetual,
An eternal king shall come
Vestit de nostra carn mortal;
Dressed in our mortal flesh;
Del Cel vindrà tot certament
He will most certainly come from Heaven
Per fer del segle jutjament.
To make a judgement of our times.
Áns que el judici non serà
Before the Judgement takes place
Un grand senyal es mostrarà;
There shall be a great signal;
Lo sol perdrà lo resplendor,
The sun shall lose its splendour,
La terra tremirà de por...
And the very earth shall tremble with fear...
Aprés es badarà molt fort
Later it shall shake violently
Amostrant-se de greu conhort.
Showing its severe anguish.
Mostrar-se an ab cryts e trons
With bellows and thunder, the infernal tumults
Les infernals confusions...
Shall reveal themselves...
Del cel, grand foch davaylarà
From the sky, lots of fire will fall
Com a sofre molt pudirà.
And everything will stink of sulphur.
La terra cremarà ab furor;
The whole earth will burn with fury;
La gent ne aurà molt grand terror!
People shall be overcome by great terror!
Aprés y aurà el fort senyal
Later on, there will be the powerful sign
D'un terratrèmol general,
Of a general earthquake,
Les pedres pel myg es trencaran
The stones will be broken asunder
E les muntanyes es fondran...
And the mountains shall melt...
Lyavors, ningù tindrà talent
Then, no one will have talents
D'or, riqueses ny argent;
Of gold, or wealth or silver;
Esperant tots quina serà
Everyone will be awaiting
La sentència que es darà!
The sentence that will be given to them!
De moryr seran tots lyurs talents,
All the wealth will lead to death,
Esclafir-los an totes les dents.
And people's teeth will be shattered.
No y aurà home sense plor:
Not a single man shall avoid weeping:
Tot lo mond serà en tristor!
The whole world will be swallowed by sorrow!
Los puigs e plans seran iguals;
The hills and plains will be levelled;
Enlyà seran els bons e mals
There, we will see the good and bad
Reys, duchs, comtes e barons
Kings, dukes, counts and barons
Que, de lyurs fets, retran raons.
Who, of their deeds, shall give account.
Aprés vindrà, terriblement,
Later on, the son of God omnipotent
Lo fyls de Déu omnipotent:
Will come, looking terrible:
De morts e vius judicarà
He will judge both the dead and the living
Qui bé aurà fet, ençà es parrà.
And those who have been good, shall be saved right there.
Los enfants qui nats no seran
The children who haven't yet been born
Dyns de ses mares crydaran,
Will be screaming inside their mothers,
E diran tots plorosament:
And they will say as they weep:
«Ajuda'ns, Déu omnipotent!»
Help us, oh omnipotent God!
Meire de Déu, pregau per nós,
Mother of God, pray for us,
Doncs meire en sou de pecadors:
For you are the mother of all sinners:
Que bona sentència ayjam
Make sure that we receive a good sentence
E Paradís possejam.
And can reach Paradise.
Vosautres tots qui escoltau
All of you who heed these words
devotament e a Déu pregau
With piety, and pray to God
de cor ab grand devoció:
From the bottom of your hearts, with devotion:
que us porte la Salvació!
He is bringing you Salvation!
Al jorn del judici
On the day of the Last Judgement
Parrà aqueyl qui aurà fet servici...
Only those who have been devout shall be saved...