Translation of the song Da serra veio um pastor artist Christmas Carols
Da serra veio um pastor
A Shepherd Came from The Highlands
Da serra veio um pastor,
A shepherd came from the highlands,
À minha porta bateu,
He knocked on my door.
Trouxe uma carta, que diz
He carried a letter that said
Que o Deus Menino nasceu.
That the Divine Child had been born.
Essa notícia tivemos,
We received that piece of news,
À meia-noite seria,
It must have been around midnight,
Por isso nós imos dar
That's why we're going to give
Os parabéns a Maria.
Out congratulations to the Virgin Mary.
Também diz a tal cartinha
The little letter also said
Que a Virgem 'stava a chorar,
That the Holy Virgin was weeping,
Por não ter uns paninhos
For she didn't have a few blankets
Com que o pudesse abafar.
To wrap Him with.
A carta diz que Ele está
The letter said that He is
Nas campinas de Belém;
In the grsslands of Bethlehem:
Numa caminha de palhas,
On a big heap of straw,
Sozinho sem mais ninguém!
All alone and with no one else!
Essa notícia tivemos
We received that piece of news
Logo que cantou o galo,
Right after that the rooster had sung,
E deixamos nossos campos
And we left our fields
Para virmos adorá-lo.
So we could come to worship Him.
Ó meu Menino Jesus!
Oh, my sweet Child Jesus Christ!
Meu lindo Amor-Perfeito,
My beautiful Perfect Love,
Se Vós tendes frio, vinde,
If You happen to be cold, do come,
Vinde parar no meu peito.
Do come to rest on my chest.
Fostes nascer numa gruta,
He came to be born in a cave,
Entre brutos e pastores,
Amidst brutes and shepherds,
Podendo ser na cidade,
Yet you could have been born in the city
Entre bispos e doutores.
Amidst bishops and doctors.
Nos braços da Bela Aurora,
In the arms of the Beautiful Dawn, 1
Vejo o Menino brincando
I see that the Holy Child is playing;
Com a mãozinha de fora,
He is sticking His hand out
Todo o mundo abençoando!
So He can bless everyone!