Translation of the song Joseph, liber nefe min, artist Christmas Carols
Joseph, liber nefe min,
Joseph, Dear Joseph Of Mine
»Joseph, liber nefe min,
Joseph, dear Joseph of mine,
hilf mir wiegen min kindelin,
Help me rock the child,
das got musse din loner sin
So that God will reward you
in himilrich,
In the kingdom of heaven,
der meide kint Maria.«
The virgin child, Maria (said).
»Gerne, libe mume min,
Gladly, my dear, my mother,
ich helfe dir wigen din kindelin,
I will help you rock your child,
das got musse min loner sin
That God will reward me
in himilrich,
In the kingdom of heaven,
der meide kint Maria.«
(For) this virgin child, Maria.
Nu frów dich, kristenliche schar,
Rejoice, Christian host!
der himelische konig klar
This is surely the heavenly king
nam die menschheit offenbar,
He clearly adopted humanity
den uns gebar
She who delivered him to us
die reine meit Maria.
The pure maiden, Maria.
Is súllen alle menschen zwar
All mankind should then
mit gánzen frouden komen dar,
Come with all the joys
do man fint der selen nar,
That everyone can now experience it
di uns gebar
That he who is delivered to us
die reine meit Maria.
(By) the pure maiden, Maria.
Uns ist geborn Emanuel,
Emanuel has come to us,
als uns vorkundigit Gabriel,
Gabriel announces to us
des ist geziug Ezechiel,
And so testifies Ezekiel:
o fronis el,
Pious without fault,
dich hot geborn Maria.
Maria has delivered You!
O éwigis vátirs éwigis wórt,
Because The Father's eternal word,
wor gót, wor mensche, der togunden ort
The True God, the virtuous host,
in hímil, in érde, hi und dort,
(Both) on earth and in heaven there
der salden pfort,
The portal of souls,
di uns gebar Maria.
Mary delivered him to us.
O sússer Jesu userkorn,
Choose then, Sweet Jesus,
du wéist wol, das wir wor verlorn,
You know well that we were lost:
stille uns dines vatirs zorn,
Silence Your Father's wrath!
dich hot geborn
You have been born to
die reine meit Maria.
The pure maiden Maria.
O kléinis kint, o grosser got,
Heavenly King, O Great God,
du lidist in der krippen not,
(Who) suffering in the crib's distress.
der súnder hi vorhanden hot
Make those special free from death,
der engil brot,
You, bother of angels,
das uns gebar Maria
Mary delivered him to us