Translation of the song Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes (complet) artist Christmas Carols
Les Anges Dans Nos Campagnes (complet)
The Angels In Our Countrysides
Les anges dans nos campagnes
The angels in our countrysides
Ont entonné l'hymne des cieux,
Have shouted the hymn of the heavens,
Et l'écho de nos montagnes
And the echo of our mountains
Redit ce chant mélodieux :
Repeat this melodious song:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
Bergers, pour qui cette fête ?
Shepherds, for whom do you celebrate?
Quel est l'objet de tous ces chants ?
What is the object of all these songs?
Quel vainqueur, quelle conquête
Which conqueror, which conquest
Mérite ces cris triomphants :
Deserves these triumphant cries:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
Ils annoncent la naissance
They announce the birth
Du libérateur d'Israël
Of the liberator of Israel
Et pleins de reconnaissance
And full of recognition
Chantent en ce jour solennel :
They sing on this solemn day:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
Cherchons tous l'heureux village
Let us all search the happy village
Qui l'a vu naître sous ses toits
Which saw his birth under its roofs
Offrons-lui le tendre hommage
Let us offer him tender homage
Et de nos cœurs et de nos voix :
And from our hearts and from our voices:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
Bergers, quittez vos retraites,
Shepherds, leave your retreats
Unissez-vous à leurs concerts,
Join yourselves to their concerts
Et que vos tendres musettes
And may your sweet bagpipes
Fassent retenir les airs :
Uphold the airs:
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||
||: Gloria in excelsis Deo :||