Translation of the song Les dotze van tocant artist Christmas Carols
Les dotze van tocant
The Bells Ring at Midnight
Les dotze van tocant...
The bells ring at midnight...
Ja és nat el Rei Infant,
The Child King is born,
fill de Maria.
He's Mary's son.
Ja és nat el Rei Infant,
The Child King is born,
fill de Maria, fill de Maria.
He's Mary's son, He's Mary's son.
El cel és estrellat
The sky is all starlit
i el món és tot glaçat:
And the world is entirely frozen:
neva i venteja.
It's snowing and it's windy.
El món és tot glaçat:
The world is entirely frozen:
neva i venteja, neva i venteja.
It's snowing and it's windy, it's snowing and it's windy.
D'algun llop famolenc,
Of some famished wolf,
del fons d'un negre avenc
From the bottom of a black chasm
l'udol arriba.
The howl reaches us.
Del fons d'un negre avenc
From the bottom of a black chasm
l'udol arriba, l'udol arriba.
The howl reaches us, the howl reaches us.
La Verge i el Fillet
The Virgin and her Little Son
N'estan mig morts de fred,
Are half dead because of the cold,
i el vell tremola.
And the old man is trembling.
N'estan mig morts de fred,
They're half dead because of the cold,
i el vell tremola, i el vell tremola.
And the old man is trembling, the old man is trembling.
Josep, a poc a poc
Joseph, very slowly,
encén allà un gran foc
Lights up, right there, a huge bonfire
i els àngels canten.
And the angels sing.
Encén allà un gran foc
He lights up, right there, a huge bonfire
i els àngels canten, i els àngels canten...
And the angels sing, the angels sing.
Les dotze van tocant...
The bells ring at midnight...
Ja és nat el Rei Infant,
The Child King is born,
fill de Maria.
He's Mary's son.
Ja és nat el Rei Infant,
The Child King is born,
fill de Maria, fill de Maria.
He's Mary's son, he's Mary's son.