Translation of the song Lo Desembre congelat artist Christmas Carols
Lo Desembre congelat
Frozen December
Lo Desembre congelat
Frozen December
confús s'enretira;
Leaves all confused;
Abril, de flors coronat,
April, crowned with flowers,
tot el món admira,
Is admired by the whole world
quand dyns un jardí d'amor
When, inside a garden full of love
naix una divina flor
A divine blossom is born
d'una ro-ro-ro, d'una sa-sa-sa
From a ro-ro-ro, from a se-se-se
d'una ro, d'una sa...
From a ro, from a se...
D'una rosa beyla,
From a rose so charming,
feconda e ponceyla.
So fertile and youthful.
Lo primer Paire causà
The first Father brought
la nuyt tenebrosa
The frightful night
que a tot el món ofuscà
Which darkened the aggrieved sight
la vista penosa;
Of the whole world;
mes, dyns una mytja nuyt
Yet, during a certain midnight
ve lo sol que n'ey eixit;
The sun comes, as it has risen;
d'una be-be-be, d'una la-la-la
From a beau-beau-beau, from a ti-ti-ti
d'una be, d'una la...
From a beau, from a ti...
D'una beyla aurora
From a beautiful dawn
que'l cel enamora.
That makes the sky fall in love.
Lo mês de Mayg ey florit,
The month of May has blossomed
sens ésser-ho encara,
Without having yet arrived;
un lliri blanch tot polit,
(There's a) white, very beautiful lily
de fragància rara
With an unusual fragrance
que per tot el món se sent,
That can be smelled all around the world,
de Llevant fyns a Ponent;
From the East to the West;
tota sa-sa-sa, tota do-do-do
All of its-its-its, all of swe-swe-swe
tota sa, tota do...
All of its, all of swe...
Tota sa dolcesa
All of its sweetness
y gentil tendresa.
And soft kindness.
Quand l'aurora hauguei parit,
When the dawn had given birth
lo sol, que ja eixia,
To the sun, which was rising,
ab grand amor ly hai dit:
She told him with great affection:
—Venuitz, vida mia:
- Come, my darling;
prenetz-ne, diví Senyor,
Take, Divine Lord,
aquest brou qu'ey de licor
This broth made out of liquor
d'una ma-ma-ma, d'una me-me-me
From a li-li-li, from a bre-bre-bre
d'una ma, d'una me...
From a li, from a bre...
D'una mameyleta
From a little breast
qu'ey per Vós repleta.—
That is overflowing for You. -
Tenint la Verge a son pit
When the Virgin had in her breast
la prenda tant rica,
Such valuable gift,
què bo fóra de sentir
It was so good to hear
quand xantar-ly hia
That she would want to sing
una lletra molt galant
A most beautiful tune
per alegrar a ceyl enfant
To cheer up that little child
d'una do-do-do, d'una ça-ça-ça
From her swe-swe-swe, from her mo-mo-mo
d'una do, d'una ça...
From her swe, from her mo...
D'una dolça boca,
From her sweet mouth
obra de Déu tota!
That was all created by God!
Arribaren los tres reys
The three Wise Men arrived
ab grand alegria,
Filled with gladness,
adorant lo Rey del Cel
To adore the King of Heaven
dyns una establia,
Inside that manger,
oferint-ly tres presents,
They offered three presents
com són aur, myrra e encens
Such as gold, myrrh and incense
a la ma-ma-ma, a la re-re-re
To the mo-mo-mo, to the ther-ther-ther
a la ma, a la re...
To the mo, to the ther...
A la Maire pia:
The Mother most pious:
la Verge Maria!
The Virgin Mary!
Quand al temple lo emportà
When He was brought to the temple
la Verge Maria,
By the Virgin Mary,
un bon veyl s'en alegrà,
A good old man became very happy
cosa que admira;
As he was admired;
tenint-ne lo diví enfant,
Being close to the divine child
«non dimitis» va xantant
He keeps signing nunc dimittis
d'una vi-vi-vi, d'una da-da-da
For that ho-ho-ho, for that ly-ly-ly
d'una vi, d'una da...
For that ho, for that ly...
D'una vida sancta
For that holy life
tant grand eylobança.
The greatest of all praises.
Ab grand content e amor
With great happiness and love
celebrem eix dia,
We celebrate that day,
puix que lo diví Senyor
In which the Divine Lord
naix ab alegria.
Was born surrounded by joy.
E se non hèm pus tresor,
And, if we don't have any other treasures,
offerim-ly nostre cor,
We offer our hearts to Him
tota la-la-la, tota fi-fi-fi,
And all the-the-the, all the wo-wo-wo
tota la, tota fi...
And all the, all the wo...
Tota la finesa
And all the worth
de nostra fermesa.
Of our loyalty.