Translation of the song Praznic luminos artist Christmas Carols
Praznic luminos
Luminous burial feast
Praznic luminos, strălucit frumos,
Luminous burial feast, beautifully bright,
Astăzi ne-a sosit şi ne-a-nveselit,
Today it arrived and has cheered us.
Că Mântuitorul şi Izbăvitorul
Like the Savior and Deliverer,
Cu trup s-a născut, cu trup s-a născut.
With human body he was born, with human body he was born.
Îngerii cântau, păstori fluierau,
The angels where singing, the priests where whistling,
Magii se-nchinau, toţi se bucurau.
The wizards where bowing, everyone was happy.
Dar Irod era că se tulbura
But Herod was disturbed
De naşterea Sa, de naşterea Sa.
By His birth, by His birth.
El îl cauta, voind morţii a-L da,
He was searching for Him, to hand Him onto death,
Iar Pruncul Iisus, Domnul cel de Sus.
And the baby Jesus, the Lord from above.
Fie lăudat, binecuvântat,
Let Him be lauded, blessed,
De-a pururi amin, de-a pururi amin.
Forever amen, forever amen.