Radujte se, narodi
English translation
Be happy, people
Radujte se narodi, kad čujete glas,
Be happy, people, when you hear the voice
da se Isus porodi u blaženi čas.
about Jesus being born at the blessed moment.
Svaki narod čuj, čuj,
Every nation, hear it, hear it
i Betlemu pristupljuj,
and access to Bethlehem,
pristupljuj. /x2
acces. /x2
Vidi Božje otajstvo u podrtoj štalici
See mystery of God in the demolished stable
I tko trpi uboštvo na toj tvrdoj slamici.
and who suffers stabbing on that hard straw.
To otajstvo čuj, čuj,
Hear, hear that mystery
i k jaslicam pristupljuj!
and access to the crèche!
Pristupljuj! /x2
Access! /x2
Raduje se Marija s Josipom gledeći
Mary is happy with Joseph while watching
Anđeo pjeva Glorija po zraku leteći
Angel is singing Glory while flying in the air
I ti, svijete čitavi,
And you, the whole world,
Spasitelja pozdravi!
greet Savior!