Translation of the song Radujte se, narodi artist Christmas Carols
Radujte se, narodi
Be happy, people
Radujte se narodi, kad čujete glas,
Be happy, people, when you hear the voice
da se Isus porodi u blaženi čas.
about Jesus being born at the blessed moment.
Svaki narod čuj, čuj,
Every nation, hear it, hear it
i Betlemu pristupljuj,
and access to Bethlehem,
pristupljuj. /x2
acces. /x2
Vidi Božje otajstvo u podrtoj štalici
See mystery of God in the demolished stable
I tko trpi uboštvo na toj tvrdoj slamici.
and who suffers stabbing on that hard straw.
To otajstvo čuj, čuj,
Hear, hear that mystery
i k jaslicam pristupljuj!
and access to the crèche!
Pristupljuj! /x2
Access! /x2
Raduje se Marija s Josipom gledeći
Mary is happy with Joseph while watching
Anđeo pjeva Glorija po zraku leteći
Angel is singing Glory while flying in the air
I ti, svijete čitavi,
And you, the whole world,
Spasitelja pozdravi!
greet Savior!
Pozdravi! /x2
Greet! /x2