Translation of the song Tal scûr de gnot, in Betlehem artist Christmas Carols
Tal scûr de gnot, in Betlehem
In the darkness of the Night, in Bethlehem
Tal scûr de gnot, in Betlehem
In the darkness of the Night, in Bethlehem
te miserie di ogni om,
in the misery of every man,
là che il grant no s’indegne de stâ
where the great one does not deign to stay
e il sapient no s’impense di entrâ:
and the wise man doesn't remember to come in:
tune stale si mostre Chel
in a barn shows Him
ch’al à fat dut il mont.
that made the whole world.
Jeviti su, no stai vaî,
Stand up, don't cry,
om biât, om avilît,
blessed man, despondent man,
la salvece che il grant no ti dà
the salvation that the great one does not give you
e il sapient a nol sa predicjâ
and the wise man cannot preach
un Frutut a ti puarte:
a child takes you:
puar, ma cence pecjât!
poor, but without sin!