Translation of the song いつもあなたが artist Armored Trooper Votoms (OST)
You're always in my heart
さみしい時も かなしい時も
Whenever I'm lonely, whenever I'm sad,
いつもあなたが 目にうかぶ
You always come into my mind.
ひとりの時も あいたい時も
Whether you are alone, whether I want to see you,
いつもあなたは 胸の中
You're always in my heart.
遠くはなれていても たとえ別れていても
Even if you are far away, even if you are separated,
この世のひかりとともに まぶしく
You were dazzling with the light of this world.
That was you on that day.
さみしい時も かなしい時も
Whenever I'm lonely, whenever I'm sad,
いつもあなたが 目にうかぶ
You always come into my mind.
雨ふる朝も 風吹く夜も
Whenever in the rainy mornings, whenever in the windy nights,
いつもあなたが しのばれる
You are always remembered in my mind.
心のうちにつよく まぶたのうちにつよく
It appears strongly in my heart, strongly within my eyelids.
この世のひかりとともに まぶしく
You were dazzling with the light of this world.
That was you on that day.
さみしい時も かなしい時も
Whenever I'm lonely, whenever I'm sad,
いつもあなたが 目にうかぶ
You always come into my mind.
ひとりの時も あいたい時っも
Whether you are alone, whether I want to see you,
いつもあなたは 胸の中
You're always in my heart.