Translation of the song Winter artist Spoegwolf
met jou oë soos winter
With your winter-like eyes
die bries kom van diep uit die see
The breeze comes from the depths of the sea
het ek jou in die dood al ontmoet?
Did I already meet you on the other side?
sit my in jou bloes
Put me in your blush
as dit raas in die dorp
If it rages in the village
ek het jou in my bloed hoor klop
I heard you beat in my blood
die nag is gesplinter
The silver from the depths of the sea
met silwer van diep uit see
Splits the night
ek het jou op my laaste ontmoet
I finally met you
sit my in jou bors
Put me in your chest
as dit raas in jou mond
If it rages in your mouth
ek het jou in my bloed hoor klop
I heard you beat in my blood
ek het weer verdwaal in die veld
I got lost again in the field
jy’t die sterre oor my uitgegiet
You poured out the stars over me
as jy daai lot kan vergewe,
If you can forgive that fate,
kan ek nog buite jou klere gaan hang
I can still hang outside your clothes
en die wind op ons roep
And the wind blowing in our direction calls
die bome, die koor
The trees, the choir
ek weet jy wou dit hoor
I know you wanted to hear
jy’t my gevra
You asked me
ek het al hierdie goed
I have all these things
van die jeug en die bloed
Of the youth and the blood
tussen mense vergeet
Forget about people
sit my in jou plan
Put me in your plans
as dit raas in jou kop
If it rages in your head
ek kan jou in my toekoms voel
I can feel you in my future