Translation of the song قصة النبي عليه السلام والصبي artist Dorsaf Hamdani
قصة النبي عليه السلام والصبي
Story of the Prophet (SAW) and the Boy
خرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم العيد لأجل صلاة العيد
On the day of the Eid, the Prophet (SAW) left for the Eid prayers
فرأى الصبيان يلعبون ووجد صبيا واقفاً يبكي
and saw children playing, and a boy standing and crying.
فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم مايبكيك أيها الصبي
The Prophet (SAW) asked the boy, what are you crying about, boy?
فقال له الصبي وهو لم يعرف إنه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم دعني أيها الرجل
He told the Prophet, whom he did not know was the Prophet, Let me tell you sir,
فإن ابي مات في أحد الغزوات مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
my father died in a battle alongside the Prophet (SAW)
وأمي تزوجت بغير أبي فأخذ داري وأكل مالي فصرت كما تراني
and my mother married another man who usurped my house and took my money and I became what you see now:
عاريا جائعا حزيناً ذليلا
unclothed, hungry, sad, and desperate.
فلما أتى يوم العيد رأيت الصبيان يلعبون فتشدد حزني فبكيت
And on this day of the Eid, I saw children playing; it made me more sad, and I broke into tears.
فقال له النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أما ترضى أن أكون لك أبا وعائشة أما وفاطمة أختا وعلي عما والحسن والحسين إخوة
The Prophet (SAW) told him, would you accept it if I became your father, Aisha your mother, Fatimah your sister, and Hasan and Husain your bothers?
فقال له الصبي كيف لا أرضى يارسول الله
The boy said, how could I not accept, oh Prophet of God?
فأخذه النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وتوجه به إلى داره فأطعمه وألبسه لباس العيد
So the Prophet took the boy by the hand and took him to his house, fed him, and dressed him in new clothes.
فخرج الصبي يلعب مع الصبيان
The kid went out to play with the children.
فقال له الصبيان كنت واقفاً بيننا الآن تبكي وما يضحكك الآن
The children told him, you were just standing among us crying, and now you are laughing?
فقال لهم كنت جائعا فشبعت وكنت عاريا فكسيت وكنت بغير ابي فأصبح رسول الله أبي
He said, I was hungry and now I'm full; I was unclothed and now I am covered; I was fatherless, and the Prophet become my father,
وعائشة أمي وفاطمة أختي وعلي عمي والحسن والحسين إخوتي
Aisha my mother, Fatimah my sister, and Hasan and Husayn my bothers.
فقال له الصبيان ياليت آباءنا ماتوا في أحد الغزوات مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه
The children said, how we wish our fathers had died in a battle alongside the Prophet....