Translation of the song مسلسل يوميات إمرأة artist Dorsaf Hamdani
مسلسل يوميات إمرأة
Diary of a women
حكاية ليها سنين
A past story, Many years ago
بدات بغزرة عين
Started with an eye glance
فرح قلبي الحزين
My sad heart turned happy
I felt
روحي تموت عليه
That my soul adores him
من نسمة تغير عليه
From the breeze , It (soul) gets jealous
أطلب عمري نعطيه
He asks for my life, I will give it to him
أنا حبيت
I loved
ضحيت سنين معاه
I suffered with him years
ياما سهرت الليل
How many times, I stayed the night awake
بالضحكة نستناه
With smile, I waited for him
تذوب الشمعة و ما يجـيـشْ
The candle melt and he doesn't come
تتحيّر الدمعات
My tears started to fall
يا عيني ما تِبكـيشْ
No, Eye, Don't cry
ما تِبكـيشْ عليه
Don't cry on him
اليوم أنا لازم ننســاهْ
Today, I must forget him
جرحي الكبير الفراق هو دواهْ
My big wound, Seperation is the medicine
مهما يصير نطوي صفحة هـواهْ
No matter what happens, I will turn the page of his love
اليوم حزين غدوه يضحك محلاهْ
Today is sad, Tomorrow will smile, How beautiful !
نحلم و نعيش حياتي و أنــا حُــرّة
I dream and i live...My life and i am free
عشت حيــاتي معاه بين الفرحة و الاه
I lived my life with him between happiness and pain
في كلّ خطوة وراه.. مشيت
Every steps he takes, behind him, i followed
ياما غدرو خبّيت
How many time he cheated and i hid it
كتمت في قلبي و ما حكيتْ
I shut it in my heart and never taked about (his cheating)
سْنين صبرت عليه أنا ضَحّيتْ
Many years, I waited , I sacrificed
ساعات نِفرح كيف نْراهْ
Sometimes, i feel happy when i see him
و نِسرحْ في عينيهْ
And i travel in his eyes
و ننسى روحي معاهْ
And i forget myself with him
نِتفكّــر غَــدُرو سنينْ
I remember his betrayal years ago
تتحيّر الدمعات
The tears comes back
يا عيني ما تِبكـيشْ
O, eye , don't cry
ما تِبكـيشْ عليه
Don't cry on him
اليوم أنا لازم ننســاهْ
Today, I must forget him
جرحي الكبير الفراق هو دواهْ
My big wound, Seperation is the cure
مهما يصير نطوي صفحة هـواهْ
No matter what, I will turn the page of his love
اليوم حزين غدوه يضحك محلاهْ
Today is sad, Tomorrow will smile, How beautiful !
نحلم و نعيش حياتي و أنــا حُــرّة
I dream and i live...My life and i am free